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Kablaaaam Man's Heroic Speech from Kablaaaaaamm Man 4: Rise of the Rising

August 24 2019

1019 words

Warriors. Today is our day. The dark forces of Valrknion descend upon us to wipe our lands, our people, our way of life from the face of the galaxy. He will come with violence and a relentless desire to destroy...

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Live Chat 1

August 23 2019

1318 words

We’re connecting you with an agent. Thank you for your patience. Soon you’ll be talking with a real person!

Grarmber: Thank you for contacting our live chat customer support! My name is Gromber. I am...

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Nihilism and You

August 7 2019

679 words

Ok you're a nihilist. GREAT. This is going to work out really well for you but just in case you're not a nihilist we recommend disregarding all that meaningless religious bullshit. Once you really look into it the veil will...

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Rails 4: Playing Field

July 27 2019

1497 words

Ok now we're on lesson 4. Fucking finally. Fuck! It's a great day when lessons can be learned and today is no exception. If you haven't read the previous RAILS lessons please go fucking find them. In this lesson we're...

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Emails from our Readers

July 20 2019

1148 words

Hey coolokthen!

Really love what you're doing with the site. I find the posts very entertaining and I enjoy the weird sense of humor on here. The way posts often start out coherently and intact and then devolve into insanity...

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A Pop Culture Retrospective

July 7 2019

854 words

Pop culture is important. It’s popular. It’s culture. It’s important. The aim of this essay is to dive deep into the history of popular culture and its relevance to the world and your life. Some might say in these...

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Who Would Win?

May 28 2019

866 words

Hey just had a pretty intense very in-depth discussion about this and could use your input. What do you think?


First of all Lord Valmer has the Lightning Rod. If that doesn't end it right there then nothing...

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How To Make Some Holiday Plans

May 26 2019

654 words

Happy Memorial Day everyone! You're probably thinking: fuck I forgot about that. WE HAVE YOU COVERED. This article is just a quick booster

It can

Hey everyone! Quick article here with a

Welcome to our next article! We have...

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Feedback for Personal Growth

May 12 2019

2213 words

Hey everyone!

I have a favor to ask of you and it’s quite personal so if it makes you uncomfortable in any way please don’t feel any pressure to respond. If you have the time and would like...

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Party Etiquette

May 1 2019

1853 words

Going to a party? Cool ok then! The hard work is already done: getting invited. Congrats!! But whoa there, bigshot, you're not done yet. Before you head out to the big event, you need to be prepared! We at Cool...

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