You can scream it's okay man just scream

COOL OK THEN | You can scream it's okay man just scream
Computer repair tips
November 5 2018

1206 words


It’s computer season so we want to take a few moments of your time if you’re willing to grant that for a few moments while we take it. Computers are everywhere these days and it’s important you know some tips and tricks so that you can use the computer you bought. 

The power of computing has transformed the world from a world of non-computers to a world where computers are a part of the world. Think about the last time you used a computer. You probably used it, right? That's right! Good job. You have been awarded a point in the database. 10 points and a flag is raised. Don't worry. This all happens behind the scenes. That's a computer at work!

Cool Ok Then started their humble beginnings on a computer. From there, the computer was an indispensable tool in using that tool to become indispensable. A tool is defined as: "what you use" (Dictionary, 1995, p.2). Now, we are not implying that tools can be used for bad things. They most certainly can be. But they can also be used by the user. A user of a computer is called a user and from this base definition we can move forward. Please keep reading.

The first thing you'll want to do is buy a computer. What computer should you buy? Haha you came to the right place! Now is never a better time where you don't have a computer where now is when you don't have one to when you should be having one to buy by buying one now. There are a million options to choose from but we recommend the one that everyone has. That way you're part of it. The company makes good computers because consumers trust that company (see the market index value on any given exchange opening at the morning in the stock exchange). The purchase of a computer is an expression of your identity. As soon as you set up your personal computing device, you can start customizing it to reflect the real you and how the world sees you. The great thing about computers is that no two are ever the same. They take on the identity of its owner. You can change the menu colors to blue or gray. The dock can be placed at the bottom, left, or right. Icons have a fixed image. You cannot change those.

When your computer slows down you need to speed it back up using advanced techniques. Do not attempt to repair it by yourself because the warranty will be voided. When you void the warranty you are shit out of luck. Don't even try. You can't repair it. It's not for you to open up. KEEP THE SYSTEM IN ONE PIECE. You will need to contact one of our licensed techs in order to have a tech fix the slowness. If you do it yourself we will flag you in our database. By we, we mean we. Us. The computer company, not Cool Ok Then, which is also us. We understand that's not easy to understand but you need to understand that's just the way it is around here. Take a look at Section 4 under the forum guidelines for more of it. The database has been flagged. Haha this all happens behind the scenes but you need to be aware of it. Or not. You shouldn't be aware of it because it's not necessary to the user experience. The user experience is something we have defined for you and by violating it you have violated it. It's time to keep reading now by moving to the next paragraph.

Now that we're moving on, we need to keep moving on. There's no reason we can't so we will. It's important. The screen is a window into a world we might never otherwise glimpse and it's important we develop mini-pixels so that the images are high-def and more interesting than real life. The colors must be razor sharp. Thinking of traveling? Just look at pictures of the place. Boom. Bam. Bim. Bomm Bamm. Bim bam. Boom boam. biibibib. BOBBOBOBB. You're done. You did it. You saw the place. Now you can write about it as though you have actually been there. The boundary between direct experience and consumption is an illusion. VR is just taking off. Technology is amazing and will bring the world together. I was thinking of taking a trip to another country but just kidding because I read some reviews. Why would you go to that shithole? You're just asking for trouble if you ask me. You can't cure stupid! You get what you ask for in my opinion and traveling to some third-world shithole that is just a shithole is karma. I saw a documentary that basically lays it all out. Speaking of documentaries, have you seen Planet Earth? You need to watch it. OUR PLANET IS AMAZING. Binged the whole series in one night.

You need to become a computer expert so here are some tricks to getting the most out of your computer. These are POWER USER tricks so don't expect to get them right away! With time and time, and a little more time to devote to your computer using the time that you have when you have free time that you value so much and proves that you are a free citizen in control of your time, you too can become a power user of your computer. Please continue.

- To move a window, click the window.
- To sign in, provide your sign-in credentials and all the information.
- Check the box that says "Send Diagnostics and Usage Statistics about How I Use My Computer."
- Click the search box and start typing the title of the series you'd like to watch.
- Click that.
- If it doesn't, then it.
- Turn up the brightness so your dark room is brighter.
- Yeah as soon as she brought up suicide as the wry punchline to her shitty joke I should have just moved away and found someone else to talk to. That's not cool. You can't just throw that out there so cavalierly as an inauthentic comment like that to someone you just met. You don't know how that might affe
- Plug your laptop into battery power when you are not using it! This is important because you need to stay connected.






In conclusion, computer repair is an easy, rewarding and FUN process that appeals to the tech geek in all of us. It's easy because at the first sign of trouble all you have to do is call the support desk and they'll fix it all for you. They'll even install monitoring software on your machine so they know before you do that your machine needs some first aid! They'll even preorder the necessary parts and RAM slots nad Gigablams and processing power is where the sample rate has to find its sine wave properties at 444444444444444444444444$$$$$$$$$$$$#33333333333


