We hear the whispers from out there. They're loud and they're insistent. They have no boundaries and they come wailing in the cold nights when you forgot your blanket in your truck at the top of the hill. There's no going back. You're listening to the whispers now. It's time to go to sleep.

COOL OK THEN | We hear the whispers from out there. They're loud and they're insistent. They have no boundaries and they come wailing in the cold nights when you forgot your blanket in your truck at the top of the hill. There's no going back. You're listening to the whispers now. It's time to go to sleep.
Who Would Win?
May 28 2019

866 words


Hey just had a pretty intense very in-depth discussion about this and could use your input. What do you think?


First of all Lord Valmer has the Lightning Rod. If that doesn't end it right there then nothing will. Grumblam has nothing on Valmer.


He only got the Lightning Rod in Rise of The Rising Rods which was directed by Blorm Juxtrom, and there are some pretty ridiculous things from that episode. Surely you're not suggesting that's canon? Ha ok.


Canon's canon. You can't pick and choose what's canon. That's what headcanon is and if that works for you, you do you, but don't suggest Garmblam would lose to Valmer. Valmer would beat his ass into the Eighth Ring of the Underworld in three seconds.


Go fuck yourself and your reading comprehension, which obviously isn't your strong suit. Valmer might have the Lightning Rod, I'll grant you that, but it fades into Night Mode after three uses which you conveniently forgot about you IDIOT. Gambalam has the Whipswitch which if you'll recall from Night Of The Switch can harness the power of the Deities. Valmer doesn't stand a chance.

Me [staying calm and respectful]:

It's called an opinion. This is just mine. You're of course entitled to your opinion of course which is what you're entitled to being an opinion of course I respect that because everyone can have one and it's just an opinion and you can't attack me for having one which is why I don't attack you for yours because opinions are opinions and yours is wrong. Valmer wins.


Nope Galambam wins end of story. In Galambarrm Wins Again 2: He Wins Again, he wins everytime. The Army of POWER couldn't defeat him, you think some lowly sorcerer (Lord Valmaer is who I'm referring to here you FUCK) could take him out? Maybe if Valmer got lucky with a Trick Shot (possible I admit, the Armor of a Thousand Uses does grant this ability if charged sufficiently which could only happen if he channels it on Mt. Bamamaamammamam haha so good luck with that) he might knock out Galmbamamrramr for a limited time but my boy has the Grand Destroyer so basically he wins. Go back to the playground little boy, the adults are talking.

Me [still remaining calm and respectful]:

Wow ok so quick question did you fall out of your own ass and start puking up the shit that came out of your ass while you were trying to form an argument and instead the shit came out and formed what was your shitty argument? Dude the evidence is there. The writers confirmed that Valmer was pulling his punches when he fought the Raving Rreeeeavers on Holtron IV. It was all a ploy to get closer to Mieelsese and her 4th Generation Ephemeral Stone AND IT WORKED. If he pretended to get beat by the Rrreavearrrrrs then Glamblam wouldn't stand a chance.


Two words for you: The writers don't make the rules. They just write the story and that's NOT the same as writing who would win. Galmbram wins. Valmer is from a small fishing village off the coast of MMMOVVIESSSSS. Galmrram was raised by an elite fighting force that ritually killed its weakest member every week. He ascended through the ranks and won the right of kings. He earned that. In Gamarbmer Wins Again 5: Yep He Just Won, he completely annihilates King Jrrrrrrrrrrrrrjrjrrjr. I guarantee you Valmer would start sobbing the minute Garmblam looked at him.

Me [still remaining completely calm and respectful]:

Nope Valmer wins. Just admit it. In Issue #5 of Valmer: Valmer Valms Valmarer, he slaughters an entire village. This is LORD VALMER we're talking about here. The most feared villain in the Calephony System. He has the Jeefyeeeefer Force at his command. Try beating that ha yeah cool ok then.


Ok so yeah just curious if you're a total fucking idiot or you're just a complete piece of fuck? Gamlamarm wins. Always has, always will. Recess is over kiddo, go back to kindergarten.


I see that's your opinion and I will respect it even though it's wrong and I think you're wrong because you're wrong. Why are you wrong? Weeeeelll because you're a fucking piece of fuck that's why. It's not right because you think you're right. I'll end this here. Thanks for the interesting conversation! I learned a lot here today and that if you enter code CODE55 then you get 2% off your next purchase (link in profile). Guys I just got my new Hormemer Slippers in the mail and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THEM!!! OMG you guys go check them out right now they will change your life!

Ok so he's obviously wrong but how do I make him see that? I want him to know that I am right. Ok cool ok then that's this fucking post just grinding shit out here who cares just keep the momentum going for fuck's sake

