
COOL OK THEN | "#*2922389892988329ur3jk
Feedback for Personal Growth
May 12 2019

2213 words


Hey everyone!

I have a favor to ask of you and it’s quite personal so if it makes you uncomfortable in any way please don’t feel any pressure to respond. If you have the time and would like to I would really appreciate it if you could answer the following questions about me as honestly as you can. I will not take your answers personally. It’s just honest feedback and for my own personal growth.

1. What are two things about my personality that you genuinely like and appreciate? Things that you find pleasing or contribute to the world in a positive way.

2. What are two things about my personality that you find off putting or hard to deal with? Things that you find are a negative impact on myself or others in my life.

Again, these are for my personal insight into how I take up space in the world and affect those around me. Any honest answers you give are greatly beneficial for me to hear and I will not hold anything against. you. Thank you in advance if you do choose to participate and I understand if you do not!

All the best,


Hey Farneennrn!

Really cool concept! This doesn’t make me uncomfortable at all and I’d love to help out. I hope you find my answers to be helpful in any way.

Positive things

1. You’re a very caring person. You always ask how I’m doing but in a way that’s genuine, like you truly want to know how my life is. I really appreciate that.

2. You always make me smile. You’re one of the funniest people I know. Even though you’re a bit on the quieter side (which I like because you listen and are thoughtful when you do choose to speak!), when you do open your mouth to make a joke it’s always clever. I really appreciate that about you.

Negative things

1. I do wish you were more reliable and would commit to things. I know your job has a random schedule which makes it hard to plan things but sometimes I feel like you use that as a cop out. You often say things like “yeah I’ll try to make it IF I don’t have to work.” You rarely commit to plans and always preface your response with IF and that can be frustrating.

2. Sometimes you seem like a know-it-all. I think it happens when you’re excited to talk about something but it comes off as if you think you’re better than me, even though I know it’s likely not the case.

Hope these are helpful, Farnerrnern! Maybe I’ll try this myself sometime. Have a wonderful week and I’ll see you Saturday at Garngner’s BBQ. Can’t wait!



Hey Janerly!

Thanks for the feedback. Really appreciate that you took the time to do this. I’m glad you feel that I’m a caring person and that I put a smile on your face. Really felt good to hear that from you. However, I noticed in the second question you were a bit more harsh with your answers. That didn’t feel good and I want to feel good. Can you revise that so I feel good?



Hey Franrner,

Sorry! I didn’t mean it as an insult. I just wanted to give honest feedback and it doesn’t mean I don’t like you. You’re one of my closest friends! I could revise it to be more positive but I kinda feel like that defeats the purpose of the exercise. They’re honest criticisms but they come from a place of empathy and love. But if you really want me to I can change my answers!


Hey Janerly,

I see I see. I get it now. Yep. Makes sense. So you want to appease me. Welllll, ok Janerly. Let’s dissect thing a bit. I asked you to answer some questions and I get this fucking blowback. Real professional. In my profession we call this sort of response a “unmitigated response.” It’s a phenomenon previously known as a “non-mitigated response.” Look, can we start over? Ok let’s lighten the mood here. Lemme tell a few JOKES to re-establish positive communication and trust as I understand this aspect of the overly sensitive human connection you’ve forced us into. I don’t blame you. It just is (that’s an eastern philosophy approach which I’m very fluent in. Just let things be! You could learn from that.)

Ok let’s do this. JOKES to get you back on track. Hey Janerly. Why did the cat eat the rat? Because it’s tit for tat and the flat mat had a bat in the HHHHAAATTT!!!! Fuck off. Get it??? No? Ok Janerly let’s try this again. Fuck. Get with it. A man walked into a bar and ordered a drink. The bartender pointed to a sign that said, “no drinks for people under 5 feet.” Hahahahahaha love this one! Now we’re rolling. Rolling down the hilllllll down down the hilll. Ok one more to seal the deal. What is a gamreberer’s favorite meal? A gammeoiiower!!!!! LOLLLLLLL love this shit!!!! Ok one more because you like jokes and I’m killing it here! ONE MORE. Who is a waste of fucking time?! JANERLY! Great joke! And don’t be fooled, it’s not about you, it’s just a silly joke. JOKES. YOU LIKE THEM.

Ok Janerly now that we’ve reconnected and I’ve regained your trust, I look forward to reworked answers in the next email. I want to feel good.

All the best,


Hey Franrnenr,

Ooook man…whatever. Here’s your answers.

1. I guess I like that you appreciate nature.

2. You’re a hard work.


Hey Janerly,

That felt ok. I mean honestly it didn’t feel that good. I know I like nature and I know I’m a hard workER (which is what I assume you meant even though you wrote I’m a “hard work” - FUCKING PROOFREAD YOUR EMAILS!!! Lil’ advice for YOU for once.) Anyway, not a lot of insight there in your last email. I woke up today and kinda felt down and was expecting this email to lift me up and I got a half assed answer. I want to feel good. How would you like it if I criticized you? Let’s try it! Let’s see how you fucking feel you fucking waste of FUIUOFWEIOIOF WEOIUFIOU EFWOUWUOEIF.

1. JANERLY! That’s your name. Why? Try a different one.

2. Remember when we grabbed dinner at Trenser’s Fine Diner? Didn’t see how it related to the overall Marvel universe.

4. Would you mind coming over on Wednesday and helping me install a tv mount on the wall? I bought a new flatscreen tv.

5. NEED a breakthrough Janerly! Need one. What to write next to fucking change things up a bit. Same old jokes. Tips on topics. Making fun of movie franchises. Company policies. Cool ok then.

6. Maybe posts should be shorter, like try to do something at 500 words and see how that lands because I’m not sure people will take the time to even get to this point. That buttons post is still one of my favorites and it’s short. Good lesson there.

7. Seven is this bullet point.

8. Take a moment to realize thoughts as thoughts. When you notice a thought, watch it change immediately. Be aware of it and see it only as a moment in consciousness. Then focus on the breath again. Just some personal advice for you here that I made up. These are my words. I call this “extended meditation to mitigate disasters that aren’t my fault.”



Hey Janerly,

Haven’t heard from you and I just got an email from Garngner saying he canceled his BBQ. Is that true? I can’t help but think you were responsible for this. Did I do something? Was I uninvited? Looking forward to working with you on this BBQ situation. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to call me right now.



Hey Janerly,

Still haven’t heard back. Let me know about this and why and when.

Wishing you the best in these troubling times,


Hey Janerly,

I stopped by Garngner’s on Saturday and saw that the BBQ was still happening and that you were there. Stood in the street and watched everyone all night. Great. Let’s figure this out right now! I’ll be at Yernernn’s Bakery in about 10 minutes. I’ll see you there and we can work through this. I’ll be 30 minutes late but I’ll see you there in 10 minutes.


Hey Janerly,

Ok let me go ahead and rewrite your email for you and we can put this whole thing behind us and move on!

Positive things

(your answers were pretty good although could have been better but I’ll be the bigger person here and leave them as is. Again, eastern philosophy at work here. Learn to accept things as they are.) 

Negative things

1. I love how you are the best person I know including them.

2. I love that you and I have a really deep connection, Franenrner, because you put in all the effort and know how to connect and I don’t because I lack the personal awareness and skills necessary to establish such a connection. These are my issues and I need to deal with how I react to people and consider other’s in my life despite my lack of it and lack of story because I feel we’re getting to the end of the series and us fans have invested 8 seasons and we DESERVE a great ending and they’re fucking it up.

Ok go ahead and send that back to me and we’ll be good to go!


Hey Janerly,

It’s been a few months. Still waiting on that email…



Hey Janerly,




Hey Janerly,

&&@&*&*#@&*#@& @*#&*@&#*& u8 92389uv8 u9 328u989uv289289 2389 v3u IM HERE AT THE PLACE FOR BEING HEREEEEE!!! *(#@F* F*@#*(F*J 8jf2p 89f892829f 988 p9fa9 aww


Hey Janerly,

Crazy how this has all happened so gradually and yet so quickly, giving up our privacy and personal data unknowingly. Always thought it would be the government taking advantage of people but now that it’s happening this way it makes sense. It’s money. And personal data drives the market. It’s like a cheat code into the minds of the masses. Large corporations can really hone their marketing and it goes well beyond that. Entire profiles of people can be built and very personal and private information, such as one’s health record, can be sold. How is this legal? Did anyone ever stop to ask if it truly was ok for google to drive down every street in the world and take a picture of everyone’s home and put that online for anyone to see? Why is that ok? The craziest part of it all is that a lot of people are aware that it’s happening but are completely ok with it. Because data collection is so elusive and invisible it makes the concept hard to grasp in a concrete way and it feels as if nothing has really changed because we don’t perceive it. It’s all happening behind closed doors, expertly hidden. Plus a lot of people try to rationalize by saying that these companies are doing it to everyone so they’re just lost among millions of other profiles and it doesn’t matter. But that’s not true and more importantly THAT DOESN’T MAKE IT OK. There’s so much potential for unethical and very damaging behavior. It blows my fucking mind that people inherently trust faceless companies with their most private data. What the fuck are they thinking? Government really needs to step up and start cracking down on this shit. It will not benefit us. What am I saying? It’s too late. It’s over, Janerly. Cool. Ok then. Anyway, lemme know when you get a chance to write that email.



Hey Janerly,

Fuck. This shit got too long again. Wasn’t even that funny and I'm generally disappointed with this one overall. Need to write a short one. Did you see the rails posts, Janerly? That was a decent series. Maybe I’ll do that next.


