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What is art?
March 31 2018

863 words


Art is important. It serves a function in society that expresses the best and worst. That's what it does. Artists provide meaning and value in a world that seems increasingly senseless and chaotic. However, sometimes art isn't that and it can be difficult to tell the difference. This is a problem. Only art is art. If you are an artist, make art. It's easy. Think you're an art expert? Haha okay man we'll see about that. Take our quiz and test your knowledge... OF ART!

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Consider the following examples and determine whether each one is art or not. There are right and wrong answers.


What the fuck is this? Not art.


Ok so take a look at this one. Look at the lines. You'll notice it's not art.


What are we looking at here? Not art haha that's for sure. It's not even finished. Sometimes an artist wants to say things with their art. Other times they make this shit. The latest episode is really good because it goes into the backstory about why he betrayed his brother. They had it all planned out. I love picking up on all the little nuances!! It rewards repeat viewings. Seeing it again tonight, will report back.


Something I noticed on my 4th re-watch is how the pendant is actually a mirror image of the other pendant. I really like those details because it separates the hardcore fans from the general audience. Also, not art.


This is art. By choosing black and white only, what is this artist saying? Easy. Reality is black and white. Right and wrong. Good and evil. There are no in betweens. There is no middle ground between water and poison. It is either poison or it is not. Therefore this is good art. This is the highest form of art qua man vis a vis man which is the highest ideal of the individual when he is morally moral on ethical issues such as ethics, morals, being moral, yeah I think we're out of lighter fluid though so if you wanna pick some up on your way home we'll get a good one going tonight.


Nope. Not art. I don't even know what I'm looking at. Consider: art is art. Fuck do we have to go over this again? Haha pay attention please.


Ok so this one is tricky but it's not art. You can tell because it's not it. On closer examination you'll notice that. This artist needs to stop trying to be an artist and instead get a job making websites lololll look at the top right it'll bring that into focus when you're on it I dunno man I'm just not feeling it, I can't explain it it's just not there for me but I don't know how to tell her.


Black and white again. Very good. This is art. She is proud, beautiful, and portrayed with the confidence of a woman who knows who she is. This is the only function of art, to express mankind's highest ideal. Every artist needs to create art like this or they are not artists. Loves to laugh, go on adventures and eat all the tacos.


Why is this woman emaciated and miserable? Because the artist chose to portray her this way. He includes details he considers relevant and omits those he does not. He therefore views existence as emaciated and miserable and ugly, and hates the good for being good. This shit is not art. Don't forget to have fun every once in a while, okay? He uses the mediant chord progression to offset the tonal center. This is what gives it that fantasy-like feel. It's actually brilliant. Nobody else could hahv eiohj 3iohj333 l3kj


Just a couple of circles here! What do you think? Let's examine this: not art. Are you still thinking about her? Fuck man let it go.


We'd like to give you a behind-the-scenes look at the code that powers, a website that offers a careful and thoughtful critique of everything that matters. It's this site. This one. This is the site. The site is this. At a site? This one? Then that's where you are. Cool! Ok then so this code is complicated, sophisticated and uhhhh ok so if you take a look yes you will see that is what that it is. If you have any questions about this tutorial ppppleeeaaaaassssssssssssssss  jeeeeeee333333333333333333333jjjjjjjj


