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The Chronicles of Rabbit #1
October 16 2018

598 words


You know how it is in the kid’s book world; it’s just bunny eat bunny. Sometimes one rabbit is the king of the pack. Other times one rabbit just totally destroys himself. I saw it once. Really sad situation. One day I was wrapping up work writing kids books, you know the ones, where the bunny gets totally destroyed. I love those books. Really lays out the hero’s journey of the rabbit: born, die. That’s how it goes. Sometimes they last awhile, other times they lay down and die. But they all end up dying, didn’t you know that? You gotta teach ‘em young nowadays otherwise they get into the bad stuff.

One rabbit, we’ll call him Rabbit, made me rethink my life decisions. I don’t know where he came from, he just manifested himself out of my head and that’s what I’ll go with. Life creates life. That’s really what this is about here. But he who create-eth can totally fucking destroy-eth. Learned that in my literature class. Rabbit literature is filled with these stories and that’s what I want to talk about today: just one of these stories. Not all of them. Just one. Don’t want to bum you out too much here but life is a bummer sometimes. Sometimes it’s not though. Remember that. The Scale of Justice has to even itself out somehow and let’s be honest: nobody likes that. But you don’t have to like it, you just have to READ IT.

Anyway Rabbit was walking down the gravel-filled Rabbit Path going too deep down the rabbit hole as he always did with his unwanted ramblings about how the banking system was set up as a corrupt reflection of corporate greed from the beginning and their current predatory lending practices were just the latest symptom in a long line of diseased excuses for the slow destruction of the doomed world. You have to be insane or informed to believe this stuff and the residents of Rabbiton were neither so all they did was hurl rotten rocks at Rabbit’s rambling face, missing by a substantial margin but the message was clear: get the hell out of Rabbiton you faker! Get out! You’ve been officially laLBLeELED a DsiTubRaber Of atThE Paece!!!!

Rabbit would have none of this but legally he had no recourse so what did he do of course? He set his course down the coarse gravelly obstacle course leading to the sea. Rumor had it rabbits loved the sea and Rabbit loved rumors so off he went into the sea, that’s what I’m told at least.  I think he soon made a successful life for himself after he realized annihilation was not for him. The details are hazy here because there’s fog rolling in. Velvety, thick fog billowing over the hills like the Bay Area. You ever been to the Bay Area? Rabbit has. That’s where he went. Rumors (rumors!!) went flying around like a flag in the wind that this is where he set up his venture capitalist venture. After running out of money he had to get real. Had to get down with his situation. I wasn’t sure if there’s any truth to this so what I did is head down there myself, did some investigating into the matter. Turns out Rabbit never went to the Bay Area. Instead I found a family of frogs down by the bridge. They weren’t paying their tolls so I reported them to the Toll Brigade. Love those guys. This fable brought to you by the International Corp Banking System BANCORPORATION Unlimited.

