Just another piece of shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!

COOL OK THEN | Just another piece of shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A Guide to Mental Health
May 15 2020

603 words


Strong mental health is important. It gives us the psychological and emotional fortitutude to face daily challenges. We here at coolokthen have derived a simple guide on how to achieve strong mental health so you can feel good and be good too. Being good is the name of the game here and if you don't know that name, then you're not playing the game at all you fucking mentally unstable fuck. It's all your fault. Neat. Let's do this.

1. Mental health is first and foremost all about feeling good. Start by doing this. If you are feeling bad, change that and feel good instead.

2. Now that you're feeling good it's time to consider feeling even better than that. That helps a lot. Try it!

3. Many people have issues with their parents and the way they were raised which causes a lot of unhealthy patterns in their lives. Take five minutes to think of all the things your parents did wrong. Got it? Ok great. Don't allow those things to influence your life anymore.

4. Some people have real mental health issues. Depression, anxiety, eratic mood swings, uncontrollable obsessive thoughts. The list goes on and on. These are really bad to have and don't help you at all. Take a moment to identify what you have. Now stop doing those things.

5. One's outlook on life can give a person a sense of belonging and hope. Get a good outlook and that should do the trick!

6. Social interaction is very important to one's mental health. If you don't have friends considering having some. Friends are there for you!

7. Life can be tough alone and having a wonderful healthy relationship can do wonders for your mental well being. If you're single, consider taking a few days to find an incredible partner who understands you in every aspect and can support you through the good and the bad (although if you follow these steps correctly there should be no more bad in your life ever. FOLLOW THE STEPS!).

8. Having a purpose in life really boosts that mental health. Often that purpose is a passion for something. We recommend dropping everything and following your passion immediately. Don't have a passion? Get one and you'll be on your way to having a purpose (and a passion! They go hand in hand!).

9. A spiritual connection can often boost your mental health. You feel more connected and grounded with yourself and others. It allows you to exist on a less superficial plane and really live more deeply and more meaningfully. It's very specific and unique to the human experience. However, recent studies in sciences have shown that none of it is real. Therefore we recommend avoiding this at all costs and just feeling more connected and grounded on your own merit. It's easy. Try it!

10. One of the most difficult challenges in life is coming to terms with your own mortality. If you can do this then you'll be ok! Neat. Give it a shot and you'll see it's not so difficult afterall.

In conclusion, good mental health is something we all want and need. If you have good mental health (which you undoubtedly do at this point!) life is just a fun easy ride. Sometimes we think good mental health is a mountain's climb away but really if you have it then you can avoid that mountain and just have it. That's the secret to it and it's not a secret anymore thanks to this list. So go enjoy your life now that you have good mental health. Just do that.

