A journey through the mind of WKlefkjekefklkleklfeklj

COOL OK THEN | A journey through the mind of WKlefkjekefklkleklfeklj
Stargazing for beginners
April 23 2019

1590 words


What's the one thing everyone notices? Stars.

When you look at the sky, that's what you notice. Even when there are no stars, there are stars. THIS IS NOT A LIE. In this post we will discuss the history of stargazing, some of the philosophical themes of stars, stargazing, gazing at stars, staring at them, looking at the ones, star-staring, starring stars, starring your favorite stars in the sky, starsssss, sttatatatat, srsrsr,gggjgjgjgg. Keep an eye out for a handy reference guide that features some of the more well-known constellations! It’s at the end. Let's keep writing this post.

Stargazing was invented in 13 when John Malmo Marma Malmer Mameitmer looked up and saw stars. Society frowned upon this invention because it was new and carried nothing of note. NOTHING. His brother (Brexton) fought alongside John in what afterwards came to be known as the Star War lol and after a long and tiresome court battle which raged for days, DAYS I SAY, days of fire and turmoil and no small amount of heroism. But there was humor too, lightness and joy despite the incredible losses that were sustained upon the battlements and forts constructed hastily in the wilderness. Some might say it was worth it. Others might also say it was worth it. The right to stargazing was won. Hard won, yes, but won nonetheless. This made headlines along the hills and fields of the home country. From there, this national pasttime spread through the woods and into other national territories. AND THUS, astronomy was born.

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Why do we gaze at stars? We do it because it's something we do. Try it now. Okay welcome back! Wasn't that great? What did you notice? What did you learn? What did you discover about the stars that you discovered? Was it that which was it? What? Whay? HOW? Weeeelll if you consider the foreign key actually violates the unique constraint you'll see that the join table is necessary to ensure database integrity. Why did you ponder what you pondered? Did you pay attention to the thoughts that came into your head? YOU ARE NOT YOUR THOUGHTS. Let's move along.

Here's that STARGAZING GUIDE. We did a poll. The poll returned results and this is them. Our top favorite constellations! Voted by you, the readers. Democracy in action.

Lord Cracton's Fallen Perch: Discovered in the early days, this constellation carries grave danger for anyone who sees it. Named after John Malmo Marma Malmer Mameitmer, the father of stars. Avoid at all costs.
The Queen's Mare: Most prominent during the winter (or the summer during the Winter Days parade festival), this stunning constellation boasts a colorful phalanx of horses leading a secondary phalanx of other horses into battle. At the forefront of this devastating charge is THE QUEEN'S MARE. Adapted from a dream (Queen's Mare, c2743). Buy this constellation for only $33.99. You will receive a certificate of ownership.
Weeelll Well Well Looks Like We Found Ourselves An Unprotected Database Of 540 Million User Accounts And Plaintext Passwords!: This constellation appears in the autumn when the winds are high and the trees are nigh and waters soar skyward in everlasting cavalcades of indisputable grandeur. A good omen for travelers lost in the Doldrums. We like this one because it reminds us of this. BE WARNED: charlatans prowl the roads and prey upon those less traveled than they. This constellation shoots blasts of energy.
Belt of the Beach: First discovered by the Andrusians on their Sea Voyages into the East, this constellation has become a guide for those lost souls who endeavored to embark upon the Grand Odyssey. DO NOT SEARCH FOR THIS CONSTELLATION. It finds you. If you look hard, maybe you'll see something. Maybe you won't. That's what a constellation is, after all: a puzzle and a key all in one. 
The Circle: Doesn't take much. One day you're here, the next you're there. Yep. That's how it teereeeerememeee.
Old Letter: The torn pages of an old letter flap in the rain, scatter like sodden leaves into a gray, marbled sky. Did she ever get your letter? Is she still waiting? What do you do? Do you write another one? Do you move on? Do you pretend everything's fine?
One Hundred Forty-Twelve Questions: Studied by scholars for millenneinenieeeene nnennnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnn,nnnn nnnnnnbnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnbbbbbbbgj   eje
Cool Well Then Ok Cool So Then WEEEEELLLL Then: This constellation bears a striking resemblance to itself. It was discovered by the Cool Cats back when they were them. This photograph is evidence.
The Screaming Chariot: The Dartmouth Monkey has put its paw into the jelly jar. This is not exaggeration. We need to be more vigilant. This constellation reminds us that despite all the precautions we took at the Hintergale Proceedings, we must always be more aware of haha just kidding no such thing. That's the beauty of the Screaming Chariot! BEWARE of those who seek your counsel, for they are neither wise nor very powerful. This omen brings forth further omens, each of which will not be discussed in this post. DO NOT WORRY. The omens will be explained in the future! Or will they? Not sure. That's the lesson here. Are you getting it yet you fucking fuck?????
The Maiden's Crime: Where was Jennemry the night Markro told Bremaer that Yamplo confessed he was in love with Qu'mem'erm'e'ex'kx? This is the question the Maiden's Crime poses to us. If you have misgivings, now is the time to give them to the misses hahaha cool ok then. Please create an account. You need an account to access all the features that will improve your customer experience.
Infinity: Why are we drawn to the infinite? What do we see in ourselves when we peer into the glittering heavens, seeking solitude and peace in the celestial mysteries that we can never solve, asking questions we can never voice? Why do we look skyward when our lives remain grounded in the here and now while our destiny does not? What could be so simple yet ineffable as a silent starfield? Perhaps that is what gives our lives meaning: an unsolvable mystery, and an unanswerable question that keeps the fires alight and the seas alive. Turn your gaze upward and recognize the sublime in the ordinary. The same awe and wonder were kindled in the hearts of our ancestors as they stared at these twinkling stars, the same reverence for the unknown, the allure of an enigma. The vast sky silences our incessant anxieties. Do you have any? Hey man can I score anything? Yeah right you don't have any, ok cool then thanks have a good time haha just gonna ask a couple more, fuck I'm missing out fuck everyone's moving on without me it's getting late I gotta score something soon or this will be a waste god dammit someone's gotta have something right? Man this is insane I've done shit like this before but this feels different somehow. Look at all these people. No names no faces just everyone swaying under the light of the moon in their own worlds. Loud music blowing our ears to pieces, primal rhythms holy fuck this is the real shit. Oh dude thanks man yeah just one, just need one, ten bucks no problem. Little late in the night to be starting this thing but that's fine. Guess I'm not going to work tomorrow. Hey how's it going? Havin fun? Yeah looks like it haha. Your 24th anniversary wow you look great! Haha just a joke there and you laughed at it, I like where this is going. Maybe we can hang out the rest of the night, still feeling good? Yeah me too I like your coat it feels awesome. Ok see you in a bit I'll be right here. Hey that's weird she never came back, huh, guess she got a little lost. Don't see her anywhere. I'll find her again. Hmm don't see her anywhere. It's been a few hours now that's pretty weird. Don't see her anywhere. Wish I were a little taller then I could see where she is man it's so dark but that's what's so cool about it but also not cool haha because I can't see where she went three hours ago, she'll be back though she said she'd be right back haha.

