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Rails 4: Playing Field
July 27 2019

1497 words


Ok now we're on lesson 4. Fucking finally. Fuck! It's a great day when lessons can be learned and today is no exception. If you haven't read the previous RAILS lessons please go fucking find them. In this lesson we're going to discuss how to LEVEL THE PLAYING FIELD. Yep that's what this lesson is all about. In many cases the playing field is not level. Why is this? To understand this let's look at the history of playing fields.


Many years ago during the Ergarggrion Age the playing field had minimum.

Now that we understand this let's jump right in!




Whoa ok so here we have a playing field but it's clearly NOT level. How do we fix this? We fix it. That's why we're here, to teach you how to fix it!




This playing field is insanity. Fuck this. In addition, the concept of god is outdated. Notice how the unsubstantiated claims of god's existence continue to persist in our culture. Let's eradicate this. Science has clearly proven god not to exist. Now we can move on from this nonsense and use rational thinking to build a better future.


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Ok so we have a bit of a dip in this playing field. Fucking fix it then. How? Well I get what you're saying but I think you're coming at it from the wrong angle. The provable existence of god is impossible and more importantly it's irrelevant. You're asking the wrong questions here and furthermore I don't even know what you mean by god. You would have to define god before you can claim that that entity doesn't exist.





Playing field looks like shit here. Not level at all. We can fix this one by fixing it. How? Wellllll here we go again. Typical theist bullshit trying to make things more complicated than they are. You know what god is. Why are you mincing words? And there's no PROOF anywhere that an invisible all powerful being exists which is enough to label it as fiction. C'mon man be a little more honest here.



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This playing field is all over the goddamn place. Cool. What I'm saying is you're jumping into serious territory here by making such big claims without defining these concepts clearly. But more broadly, to deny the concept of god so flipplantly and easily as you do really is, frankly, dangerous. You're dealing with an idea rooted deeply in the biology of humanity on which our societies have been built. We're standing on thousands if not hundreds of thousands of years of the bones of our ancestors, meaning the humanity that exists today exists because the spiritual drive we embody was an advantage. It provided a feeling of something bigger than ourselves, a deep and personally meaningful reason to continue striving, a hope in the face of tragedy, the concept of a moral perfection to attain. These are insanely powerful and important ideas. To deny this spiritual hope is to deny your own humanity.


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Yes yes the playing field here is fucked. Ok. Neat. I get what you're saying but that still doesn't mean god exists. That's where I get hung up, ok? You're saying all these seemingly profound, flowery things but when it comes down to it you still can't provide the evidence that god exists. So why are we building our whole moral code around something we can't prove exists? Why not use science and reason to come up with a moral code to live by? Clearly the dogmatic texts of the religions aren't the highest standard of a moral code.





Lots of playing fields here and they're not level. Just one on top of the other. But that's what I'm saying, whether god exists or not doesn't matter. We are spiritual beings in our deepest core and there's no escaping that. To completely destroy the moral and spiritual building blocks that our societies have been constructed on and replace it with a way of life assembled on reason alone will only lead to dangerous consequences. Our lives are a constantly unfolding tragedy and I don't care how reasonable you are, when a person loses hope or meaning in the face of real tragedy you will see a complete loss of self and there will be terrible consequences. Put that on a global scale and societies will crumble. You're playing with fire here trying to build meaning on reason alone. It completely denies a whole other side of ourselves whether you want to admit that or not. This is intensly rooted in our biology. There's your fucking science for you. FUCK!



Fucking finally here's a level playing field. How'd we get here though? Easy. Then what do you propose? You look at the the old religious texts and they support things like slavery. How is THAT moral in any sense? And if it's the word of god then we HAVE to follow it, right? See this is where you religious fanatics fall short for me. Clearly from a rational moral standpoint a lot of these things just don't make sense.





Whoa went backwards here with this playing field. Let's fix this. Ok. To isolate one or two lines from such a text is to deny the higher reaching poetry and wisdom they embody. You're getting lost in the details. You must take the entire work as a whole. You must discern the broader intention of these words that have existed for thousands of years. Look, if humans developed differently, if we weren't such deeply flawed, emotional and spiritual beings I could agree with your premise. But we're simply not and so we are forever tied to these traditions and ways of thinking. If we acted purely on rational thought we wouldn't be human. And yes I know, I know you're not acting on purely rational thought. Fuck. I know what you're going to say after this comment but let's just stop here. I gotta get going. Gotta pick up Jracery from dance class.




Yep ok the playing field is a liiiiiiiiiiiittle out of sorts here. Ok man we'll pick this up later. I gotta go into work this weekend because I rationally decided that my work provides profound personal meaning and that's enough for me. Hahaha sorry, that was too easy. We'll catch up later.


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We have two level playing fields here. That's neat. When a playing field is level then another playing field can be level. Ok man, we'll catch up later. Let me know when a real personal tragedy happens and how that rational thinking will comfort you then. Cool. Cool ok then.



Now this is ALMOST a level playing field. It's good for a long ways there and then at the very end we have what's called a "uhhhhh fuck ok fucked that up." In the previous examples we didn't have this but we have this here to help you understand how to keep this from happening. How then? Well to understand how you need to take your laptop out and place it in the bin. All liquids should be in containers of 3oz or less and in a ziploc bag. Take off your shoes and put them in the bin as well as your belt and anything in your pockets. Alright step on through. Arms over your head. Ok step out and wait right here for just a moment. Sir, do you have something in your left pocket? I'm going to pat you down. Sir, step over here please. Ok we're going to have to take you to the back room for processing. Follow me, sir. Don't worry, the authorities have contacted other authorities for purposes related to this. You're in good hands. Just follow me. Ok have a seat. Hold your right hand out. We'll need to scan your fingerprints. And now your left hand. Ok good. Now look into here for eye scanning. Great. That's it, sir. You've been successfully implemented into the system forever. And here's your phone back. It's been tracked for authoritative purposes unrelated to this exam. Have a good day.



Ok this unlevel playing field is a bit too advanced to cover here. Please refer to other playing fields for further ones.


Now that we've covered how to LEVEL THE PLAYING FIELD, please refer to others.


