5 in 5 win! You didn't win.

COOL OK THEN | 5 in 5 win! You didn't win.
Brand Guidelines
April 1 2019

672 words


Hey all. Pinging you all again to shoot to the top of your inbox to let you know that our brand guidelines need to stay on brand. Branding is important. I saw an internal draft circulating around the design team last night this morning earlier today before the early evening cleaning crew and noticed the blue is #528252. Actually it needs to be #572522. Let's stay on brand.

The copy underneath the brand headline was not on brand. Remember, our brand's blue is #1515151. This is a hexcode. No need to read it. 

When considering a new design initiative, you have lots of freedom to experiment with your creativity! You're artists. That's why we hired you! Make sure to use #415151 if you intend to use blue as that is our brand's specific blue. If we dilute the brand, we dilute the branding. We cannot do this. Do not do it. Do not. You mustn't. No, don't. Please don't. You can't. If you do, you shouldn't. If you shouldn't, you won't. That's why you won't. Please refer to the signature that you made upon our hiring of you when you agreed that you wouldn't. Wouldn't. WOOOOOOUUULLLD             MNOOTTTTTTTTT

Image is important! Almost as important as branding, but also as important as image. Which is why we're requesting all employees download CoolVPN and start seeding positive reviews for our products. This process takes approximately 10 minutes and is required. Log in using your personal email address (company emails will be flagged by the email flagger and removed and you'll be banned and fired.

Similarly, data is a form of data. We'll be looking at this in the following section entitled "DATA AND YOU: What you can do against the hopless wave of data as they data data 3rd part data harvesting okay so what we did is run an ad campaign that tricked customers into thinking we had a product for sale. Depending on random variables assigned to them on initial click, they saw different versions of the same website. The promised product had different pricing structures based on these random variables. Each customer saw a different price and they didn't know this. At the end of the customer journey they received a message that said our product was out of stock!! Enter your email to receive a discount. Here's the trick: the product never existed. We just measured demand for that product and who was willing to pay what. That's all we did. A couple grand to run the campaign and suddenly you have subjects for your experiment and more importantly: information on the success of every proposed price point. Why is this more effective than a survey? That's easy: surveys are unreliable. People stretch the truth, they lie, they aren't truthful. Survey results can't be trusted because they consist of words, not actions. Our experiment yielded real-world data because we measured actions, not words. We saw people get their credit cards out. They wanted the product! In economics, the demand curve is the graph depicting the relationship between the price of a certain commodity and the amount of it that the consumers are willing and able to purchase at any given price.

Haha cool ok then isn't this exciting? So cool. This is awesome. I love doing this stuff because it's a new frontier. It's what we need to do more of because this is what programming is all about. Build stuff that does cool stuff. Cool ok then we need more programmers who just want to do this. Learn it and then get hired by e-commerce companies who want to increase their revenue. This is helping the world be a better world because we all want to buy stuff and data is the way to do it. How do you get data? You hire a data guy who started doing this as a way to pay offffffffffffffffff fFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

