Does god exist? For the last time I don't fucking know. Why do you keep bringing this shit up at these parties? Can't you just enjoy a simple conversation like everyone else? FUCK!

COOL OK THEN | Does god exist? For the last time I don't fucking know. Why do you keep bringing this shit up at these parties? Can't you just enjoy a simple conversation like everyone else? FUCK!
Rails 3: Records
May 9 2018

1520 words


In the last two lessons we discussed rails and lines. If you haven't reviewed those lessons then what the fuck are you doing? You think you can just skip ahead two lessons and get all this shit? You can't! You fucking can't!!! Hahahaha or can you? Well, let's see. When we plug it into the theorem the answer is NO. Go get caught up on those lessons here: RAILS and LINES.

Now let's move onto the next lesson. This lesson is all about setting the record straight. Setting the record straight is no easy task. It's often not straight but that's why we're here. We're here to set the record straight. You want a straight record? Well then go fucking try it. You can't. That's why you're here. Records are meant to be straight! It's common fact. When you look at evolution from an evolutionary standpoint, the records are all straight including from the Carnobornain Age all the way through the Nannnnnnnnnjjjj Age. Furthermore, let's move onto some examples.



Ok so this is a record. Yep. Ok so notice how it's not straight. We need to set that thing straight. How? Try imagining it's straight. Try praying that it'll be straight. Now look at it. STILL NOT FUCKING STRAIGHT. You can't pray and hope things will magically be straight. That's not science! Praying does NOTHING. You want to change the world then get off your ass and do someontaowi 9a8w 982 9aj4ia2m4a2..a2kl NO GOD oaiwjojoj2jf2..2f.f2jlk



Ok now the record is still not straight. It went the other way there. That's common in these situations. You think it's going to be one way and then it's the other. No sense in bringing that up again. We talked about it already for like four hours. We can't keep rehashing these old fights. I need to focus on records. I NEED TO FOCUS!!!!


/O/ /O/

Two records that need straigthening. What do we do? Well we here at coolokthen are here to help with this. Let's move on.



Ok ok now this is worth examining. We have records that need straigthening. That's true. This is a great example to help you understand HOW these records can be straightened. Let's dive right in to this example head on and tackle it head on with this example. Moving on.


\\O\\ /OOOOO/

Got our work cut out for us with this one. Setting the record straight requires it. This example is no exception. Do you have that? I don't know. I think it's in the basement. The dog was barking all night and I couldn't sleep. Don't know how you slept through that nonsense. We need a bigger rake. The rake is too small. How am I supposed to rake with that small of a rake?


\\\OO\\ \\\OOOO\\\\\\

Aallllllright setting the record straight. That's what we're here for. Let's set it straight. How? Listen. Fucking listen to what I have to say for once. I know the yard is full of leaves! I told you I need a new rake. This rake is too small but you don't LISTEN. Ok ok I'll do it anyway. Gonna do some raking! Haha rake rake rake. That's what we do in this house. You rake and then you go to rake and then you RAAAKE. RECORDS!!!!!



Ok back to the setting the record straight. Fuck ok if you don't get this shit by now then I dunno man. Look just fucking set this record straight. It's not hard. There's a record. It's not straight. So fucking set it straight. Hahahahaaahhah excuse me gotta do some RAKINNNNGGGGGG>>>>>>>>>


No example here? Why? Well I was busy raking. You gotta rake when you rake and when you rake that's when you rake. Simple. You just rake. Rake. RAAAKEEEEEEEEEEEEE...................................................

        ..........                  .......................................     ...........   ...  . .. . ..... ... ..  .. ............

.......................    .... . .......... . .. . . .. .. . .....................









Ok ok getting back to setting the record straight here. Imagine this is a record. Wait you don't have to. It's a record. Ok now imagine it's not straight. Don't have to do that either. It's not straight. You can see it right fucking there. Where? There. THERE! In the yard. Fuck ok lemme grab the rake and rake it up. Yep just gonna rake it up. Rake it up! RAKE!!! RAKKEEEEEE.



Lots of records here that need straightening. How do we solve this? Start from the right. Notice how the record is set at an angle. That's not straight. What we need to do is straigthen it. How? By setting the record straight. Let's start with the angle. The angle's angle is approxamately 8292.3 degrees latitude. Plug that into the equation of X = r/$$222x299(iiie/121). That's not the right equation. Nope, you used the wrong equation here. We're here to set the record straight. That's what we're here for, right? That's what we've been saying!! I don't know man. I really don't think that needs tiaoa28e98 2a8jf98 2 92f898 29898



Everyone off the bus!!! Hahaha ok just kidding let's get back to setting the record straight. Notice how these records aren't straight. This is example 11. 11 fucking examples and you're still not setting the record straight. Hold on a sec. She's yelling at me again. WHAT? WHAT? NO! I DIDN'T! NO! WHY? OK OK!!! Hold on. I gotta go do some raking. When it's time to rake, it's time to rake! No excuses. When raking calls then the call is for raking. That's what it means to rake! Gotta rake! GOTTA RAKE!!!!!!!!



Don't know what's going on here. No idea. How? How did we get here? I'll tell you. Look at it out there. Out there in the yard. The grass dances subtly at the slight gust of a prarie wind. The sunlight glistens off the dew and the vibrancy of life animates its being once again. It's beautiful, isn't it? Beautiful. Ha woops what's that? What's that out there? I don't know but nothing a little RAAAAKKKKKKKKKKIINNNNNNNGGGGG can't fix hahahhaaha gotta get that rake going!!!! Let's see, do I rake first or rake first? How about I rake!??! Yep let's get that rake going!!!!!!! That's what it means to rake!!!! You gotta rake and then rake!!!!!! No excuses. Just rRRrrrraakAAAAAKeeekekeeeeERRRREaaaaakaaaakkeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!klJS DFKLp9ijp9jpf92j92f 92j9fpjf299f 29j 2fpj9pj9f2j9pf29jfj9p8f2pj9fp98jp98f2jp98f 9 8f9 pf9829 8f2jp98j f29j82f9j8pj2




Rake it up!!!!

When we rake that's what we're doing! Raking!!!



wef k;;iowoiio  iooijoijoiooi ofoi j owfooijfwjioe RAKE!!!!

Did you hear the joke about the rake? One rake raked and the other rake RAKED!!!! HHHAHAhahaahh

a3344333ttbbbbrt3t34t33w                efaiwoef

We all need rakes!!!! Can't get by without a rake these days!!!!


          Gotta check my rake!!! It's common around here that there's no rakes so gotta check up on those rakes! RAKES!

aawfewfae@$$grege%%$#    $$$$$$$4

                                                                                  *(W* * 89898 89fkl;j;

Let's see yep that's a rake. OK back to RAKINGGGG!!!!!!!

w yrr$                                  $eaerg


                                          ljk;s   gsdgd g sg g dgsd gskdjf

                 Whoo man I could use a break from raking. Nope hahah! Nope gotta keep raking!!!!!!!! RAAKE IT UP!!!!


Can't get by without a rake these days!!!!!!!!


                                 Give me the rake!!! GIVE ME THE RAKEKKEEEEE! Rakes are for RAKEKKEING!!!!!!!



kljh99998h9 898fh3 98hf3h8989hh89f3h89h89 f3 98h

                                       Yep just a little raking will do the trick. 



Can't get by these days WITHOUT A RAKE!!!!!IO!OIO!OI!IOI!IO!IOJ!JIO!














For more info on setting the record straight, please contact your local departments and report it or check local listings for dates and times relevant to the scheduled dates and times concerning it.

