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Rails 2: Lines
April 1 2018

1254 words


Now that we've covered rails, we need to cover reading between lines. If you haven't familiarized yourself with rails it's very important that you do so: RAILS. This series builds off of previous material and if you skip that then you will be lost. Now, let's move on so you can learn how to read between the lines. Have you heard that expression? There's more to it than you think. Lines are lines that's true but we need to be able to read between them if we're going to do that. Let's begin.




That's a pretty standard line right there. However, what we need to do is read BETWEEN it. Try this now. You can't. You can't do it because you lack the proper skills needed to read between the lines. This is why coolokthen is here to help you with lines. Let's move on.




This is a longer line. Doesn't really help with reading between it. Now try reading between it. Yep. Lines do this and as you begin to read between them you'll notice that. Let's continue onto example 3. This might be the most important step so please pay very careful attention as you do not want to skip example 3.



___________________    ___________

We have two lines here, one of length A and one of length B. If we square these two and add their sums you get the equation: A+B=8328239898389389238923899823.w8we89w8uiewuiew98298fh238f839289f23893f. Not my idea of a good party but sure we can head down to Gramerr's for karaoke. Their happy hour is pretty good I think. Last time I was there was a few weeks ago with Janelly. She hasn't called me back since. Don't know what happened there. I thought I left a good impression. Made her laugh. Ah well. Keep movin' on up as they say!




Now THAT is a line. Questions? For more questions don't ask them.



________     ______


Nope no lines here. 



______   _________________           _______


Three lines. Three fucking lines. How? How? How? I SAID NO LINES! I SAID NO FUCKING LINES AT THIS PARTY!!!!! READ BETWEEEEEEEEN the lines. ___________ _____ Hahahahaha there's more LINES! Can't get enough of those LINES. Hahahahhaha love it. Can we get more LINES please? ________ _____    ____ HOOOOOO BOY got what I asked for there. MORE LINES! Just keep those LINES coming. Can't get enough. Enough LINES!!!! Hahaha who wants more lines? Ookkkkkkkkkkkk yes can we get a few more lines please? Anyone else? YEP JUST A FEW MORE LINES WILL DO THE TRICK. LIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNESSSSSS. ______

__________________                                   ________             _______

_____    ____  Wow hoooo boy those lines just keep coming. LINES. LINES.




Great a line. Back to this shit. Ok. LINES when you read them you read between them.



No line here. Nope. No lines.



_____   ______   __________________


_______  ____   _________________________________________________

Whew there we go we got more LINES. That's weird. I SAID NO LINES!!! HAHAHAHAHA can't get enough of those lines. Movin' on up. Movin' on up!!!! Hahahaha ok so is she out? I dunno. Haven't heard from her. No lines. NO FUCKING LINES. HAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA __________ _____ Hahaha two lines. I said no lines. Oh well THAT'S LIFE!!!! Movin' on up!



Now that we're becoming more comfortable with lines let's test your new skills. Please try to figure out the answer on your own. Click the ANSWER button to see if your answer is right.


TEST 1: ______


This isn't a line.


TEST 2: ____ ____


Nope no lines here.


TEST 3: __________________


Not really sure what to do. Should I call Janelly or something? She's not responding to my texts. We had a good time together. I fucking don't know anymore.


TEST 4: ______ _____________________


Yeah it's kinda fucking with me. We talked about hanging out again at karaoke. Had plans the next day to head down to the pier and walk around and all I got the next day was silence. Radio fucking silence. Didn't hear a word.


TEST 5: _______ _____________________ _____


Ok just tried calling her. No answer. It rang and went to voicemail. I left her a message. Just said that I had a really good time at karaoke when we were hanging out and was just wondering if everything ok and if she's still up for meeting sometime. Haha hooo boy now we gotta focus on this fucking LINE shit now. Right. Let's get back to it.


TEST 6: ____ ______________


Two lines. TWO FUCKING LINES. Yep those are LINES. Here's what you gotta do: READ BETWEEN THOSE LINES>>>>>>>>> HAHHAHAHAHAHAH She's not coming back. Not with THOSE lines. You gotta have better lines than those. I know! I know ok! Stop telling me this. I know already. I've been dealing with this shit all my life. I can tell I bring people down when I'm around them but I don't know what else to do. I'm taking these antidepressants and they work ok sometimes but sometimes I just feel really fucking down still. Like worse than I have in the past. I want to be upbeat and liked and have a good time but that's just not me I guess. It sucks. I turn people off. I hate it. I fucking hate that part of myself. And now I gotta deal with this LINE shit. Fuck ok let's do this. Back to LINES.


TEST 7: _________


This is one fucking line. ONE. You only need to read between ONE LINE. JUST READ BETWEEN THAT LINE. It's not that hard. FUCK.


TEST 8: ________


I don't know anymore. Yeah this is a line. It's a line. Ok ok. LIIIIIINNNEEEESSS.


TEST 9: ______ ________ _____


Still no word from Janelly. Haha guess I don't have it. Guess I just don't have what she's looking for. Oooook. Gonna focus on lines now. Really need to get back on track with these lines. That's what it's all about right? Lines. LINES. Movin' on up with these lines. LINEEESSS. Oil gauge is low. Gotta get my oil refilled.

















For more information on LINES consult them or go to your nearest ______ _________ _FS FISDIOJSoifdIOj LIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNESSSSSS. I couldn't get the reservation this morning. I thought I was logged into my account but I wasn't and I didn't know my password so I had to do a password reset and by the time I got that shit figured out all the reservations were filled.

