The blog is this one

COOL OK THEN | The blog is this one
Personality Types
May 8 2018

1183 words


The Center for Science Research Psychology and Psychiatry Science for Well Being Foundation of Data Science Research has released its updated study on personality traits. Personality traits define who we are and can accurately predict people's behaviors over the course of a lifetime. This research is important in understanding human behaviors which helps to create lasting therapies for individuals who suffer from certain mental disorders.


Neuroticim is defined generally as one's overall emotional stability. We can track this through moodiness, sadness, happiness, etc. The Center for Science Research Psychology and Psychiatry Science for Well Being Foundation of Data Science Research has found that neuroticism is a key component in one's ability to have long lasting, stable relationships. People who have high emotional stability tend to be happy, attract many friends, and more easily create and maintain worthwhile relationships. Those with a low emotional stability tend to be sad or depressed. What we've found with these low level individuals is that they're basically done. Yep. Can't do anything about that. That's your problem. You're depressed? Wellllllllll that's cool. I don't care, man. You're kinda bringing us all down. We're just here to hang out and have fun. Look, I know life is tough but you gotta move on. Look at the bright side of things. There's a lot of positive things in the world. You just have to put out good energy and the world will respond to that. Smile every once in a while. Talk to a stranger. Take a moment to appreciate the good things. It's just that simple. It's just that simple, man. No more to it than that. Why do you have to make everything so hard on yourself? Would you mind moving away from us? Yeah a little further. Go over there. Yep that's good. Ok turn around. Keeeeeeeeep walking. Ok later man. Fuuuuuuck that guy is a downer. Fuck.


Extroversion is defined as someone who enjoys being around other people more than being alone. Extroverts get their "energy" from socializing whereas introverts get their "energy" from solitude. Extroverts tend to be extroverted whereas introverts tend to be introverted. Extroverts talk. Introverts ruminate. Extroverts make conversation. Introverts don't make conversation. They sit there. They just sit there and don't talk. Why don't you talk? It's easy. Just open your mouth. Open your goddamn mouth. Go over there and make conversation. It's not that big of a deal. Open your mouth and say whatever. That's why you're at this party, to meet people. Lighten up. Fucking say a dumb joke or something. Alright alright let's give this a shot. Haha how about that new Fast Man: Blam that Blew Up 7 movie! Did you like the part when the explosion sent Traxxxxx up into the sky? Haha yeah so cool. Ok doing good now. Doing really good. Talking about something people can relate to. Movies. Great. Yep keep it light and fun. Niiiiiiice and easy does the trick. Ok what's next what's next? Wait. Who is this guy? Kinda just nudged himself into the conversation. Fuck he's talking a lot. Jeeeeesus fuck he won't shut up. Ok he's been drolling on about himself for like 5 minutes now. This story isn't fucking going anywhere. Shut the fuck up already. You're saying NOTHING. You've been talking for 8 minutes now and you've said fucking nothing. It's aaallllll about you. Wow great. Ok, nobody else has talked. Is anyone here really into this guy? Why? Why? Do any of these people really enjoy listening to him? He doesn't take interest in anyone else. Why don't you as a question about someone here, you fuck? Get to know them. Get their opinion. Actually ENGAGE in conversation. FUCK! Does this fucking guy not understand that conversation is a two way street? Give and take. Ebb and flow. Not all about you dude. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck ok cool. Cool ok then. COOL OK THEN.


You wanna be liked, mother fucker? You want people to get along with you. AGREE. Don't stir the pot. Yep. Just let it simmer on low for a while. Stick to the plan. Status quo. Don't act suspicious. Drive a little over the speed limit, like 5 miles an hour. Driving the speed limit is suspicious. Can't be too suspicious. Alright doing good. Just think, when was the last time you were pulled over? It never fucking happens. What are the chances now? Keep cool man. Keep it together. Aaaaallllllright whoooooooo weeeeee this is stressful. Really stressful. I shouldn't be doing this. GOTTA BE AGREEEABLE. Oooook fuck fuck there's a cop. There's a fucking cop. He's just checking speeds with his radar. I was going 6mph over. That's normal. THAT'S NORMAL. Just acting normal. A normal citizen goes about 5mph over. If I was doing the speed limit that'd be suspicious. NOBODY DOES THAT. Ok ok ok alright he didn't turn on his lights. He's still just sitting there. GREAT. Allll good man. Alll good. Wonder where Megalene is. She was supposed to call me by now.


Dude, just try this. Just try a little. It feels great. You gotta be open to new experiences or else you're gonna miss out on life. That's what life is all about. You try this then you're living life. It helps with other things, you know? Life is tough but this gives you a little respite from it all. Enjoy this. Life's too short to feel like shit all the time. Yeah some people got lucky and were born happy. That's not you man. But luckily we're in the modern era and this shit gives you a second chance, at least for a bit. Gives you a taste of what it's like. Go ahead, give it a shot. Oh man here we go. You feel anything? Jesus it's different than I remember. WHoahoohahoohaoha fuck this isn't what I thought it would be. This is weird. I think I'm going insane. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhwoahfoiwei owhoiohwie hiowahifoiwafeafafoawf. The stars are melting!! Another walk around the lake? I'd like that.


Concientiousness is defined as a person's thoughtfulness and relationship with goal-directed behaviors. Well, what the fuck does that really mean? Good question. The Center for Science Research Psychology and Psychiatry Science for Well Being Foundation of Data Science Research collected a lot of interesting data on this particular subject. When given the parameters, many saw an increase over time. Side effects included:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • side effects
  • others
  • loss of libido
  • gain of it
  • gain of it
  • the gain of it
  • gaining it
  • 7
  • more than 7
  • two?
  • two
  • shit I forgot to send in my credit card payment. There goes my credit score hahhahaha OH WELL

When plotting these points on a graph we see the following trend:

[graph redacted for omission purposes pertaining to and herewithstanding of insufficient data relating to and abiding by those by that in partnership with Jaolllooj Cola the #1 trusted cola in America for all colas but not those except where prohibited excluding it]


Upon discrete analysis of the data we can firmly conclude it.

