The world is great right now

COOL OK THEN | The world is great right now
Outrage Over New Decision Could Be Genuine, Study Finds
October 10 2018

1525 words


TREMSONTNOEN, UA - The decision finally came unexpectedly late last night as The Chamber finished their deliberations of the talking points put forth through a series of measures and countermeasures that hung over the decision for months. This morning the residents of Tremsontnoen awoke suprised to discover this new development concerning the decision with regard to the decision.

Kathleel Yard has lived in this small town for over three decades and came here to work in the town's main industry. The industry has been struggling in the past few years with exports not being as high as the exports had been in the past few years which studies find is a common problem among industries that want to keep exports high but can't. Kathleel's working hours have been slashed due to these low exports. Stories like this were one of numerous reasons that prompted the decision to be heard and hotly debated and eventually made.

"I don't blame them for the decision," Kathleel says. "We all have to make decisions but this one was unprecedented. Still, I understand it, except that I don't."

Many others in the town are elated at having helped push the decision to be made. They expect big changes to take place in the coming weeks, ones that could change everything.

"This decision should have been made much sooner," says Tom Tromtomtomtomtom, a worker in the industry for the past 12 years. Like Kathleel, he saw his hours being drastically cut back despite his long hours of overtime continuing to grow to this day as well as his regular working hours growing as well. "What this decision is going to do is change everything and that's what we need and what I want, a change. Wish things could have stayed the same but that's how change works! Look it up!"

The decision is slated to become the final decision in two days when The Chamber is expected to sign it into law. Still, for those who oppose the decision there is one last hail mary. Six members of The Chamber may choose not to sign the decision thus allowing what's called a Stalemate Draw which would prompt a reopening of the decision to be decided on and considered for three days, at which point 54% of the decision can be enacted for 82.32 hours until the full decision can be heard before the Special Assembly at which point The Committee takes over and tweaks any final legal wording before heading to the The Cabinet which handles all loose ends at which point it makes its way to The Board for intense calcuations and computations before heading back to The Chamber for deliberation on final decisions to be put forth in the decision.

Franley Di has hope that opposition to the decision within The Chamber will take place. "I feel that the decision goes too far, you know? Like I keep asking myself 'why?' and that has me asking 'why?'"

Others feel the same. The decision was not a unanamous decision leading up to the decision. The Chamber was split two days ago, echoing the town's split among its citizens and The Chamber itself. Protestors of the decision gathered outside the Decision Building with signs and megaphones chanting "the decision is a decision! But we need a decision!!" and "No no no! Yes yes yes! Decisions!!!"

Counter protestors soon surrounded those protestors of the decision and began shouting their own opinions and feelings about the decision. "We need a decision! Is it this one? No! Pass that decision now!" and "Heyo let's go! Decisions can't stop the blow!"

Protestors outside the Decision Building protesting with protests using it.

Tensions rose steadily and it was clear violence would innevitably errupt if allowed to continue. Fortunately, the CEO of the industry had stopped by The Chamber hours before the decision had been made to change the decision entirely for the betterment of everyone. Acting as an intermediary, the CEO of the industry reworded the decision which, according to sources who work closely with the CEO, benefits everyone in the community and not himself whatsoever, which allowed the decision to be unanimously supported by The Chamber whose members now no longer reside in Tremsontnoen but have since relocated 45 minutes down the road to Troooontroon, a larger town known for its wealthy suburbs and highly affluent schools.

Few this morning are confused by the sudden rewording and subsequent redefining of the decision as most didn't bother to read the changes and assume everything is fine.

"The decision has been made and I trust that because I supported the decision and it's now the best decision," says a person whose name has been redacted for omission purposes. "We need more decisions like these in the coming months if we expect decisions to be made. I support that."

A study conducted by the Decision Foundation for Better Decisions found genuine outrage among 47% of those outraged by the decision and forthcoming decisions. For those who continue to fight the decision, the outcome looks bleak. Yet they fight undeterred.

"We'll stay here until we get the decision we want," says Ulmar Welpner. "That's how decisions are made and I support this decision that I have made and the decision that was made."

David Saln is Executive Editor and Chief of Staff at the Tremsontnoen Times Gazette sometimes but sometimes not but when it is it.


Val Vnnn

This is a dark day for anyone who appreciates decisions. It's clear that the decision only benefits those who agreed with the decision. When will THE PEOPLE get to decide on decisions like this one? This whole system is bullshit. Vote for more decisions this coming election!


STFU Val. U don't understand it!

Gromley Gonbarn

Broooon - typical. You can't even right now with it. LOL it's a decision! Don't you see?!

Val Vnnn

Yeah ok Broooon did you know that 6556% of them thought about the decision in place of it?! Fucking idiot.


Yeah and 83298% didn't but did so why? It's about time!


I don't see a problem. You have the decision by vo


Trel222 couldn't agree more. That's how they aren't! You can't!

Val Vnnn

Ok lemme break it down. In 1993 they had a decision. Sound familiar? After that 44 of them continued using it for their benefit while others continue it. It's unprecedented. The numbers just don't add up!

Gromley Gonbarn

Thanks Val. You hit the nail on the head there. Broooon is just a fucking moron who thinks decisions are for deciding when in fact we've know for YEARS that it's a decision alone and can't be decided alone except among adults age 55 to 55 between the ages of 44 and 23 except when they will.

Fred L G

your all mising the point ! this is why it matter's !!!!! you have to consider the options and we arent doin and thats y we ended up hear VOTE NOW

R Toln

In the last decision we saw how the 


Yep. And it is.

