
Letters to Madeleine
February 12 2018

1280 words


Hey Madeleine! How’s it going? Well thanks for the note. I had a pretty good weekend. My friend Juclsusb and I saw something called Infinite War: Rise of the Infinite War. Pretty sure it was a movie. I was barely sober for it and can’t even remember it haha. Don’t really care. I’m not into that stuff and we just went to see if we could understand it (spoiler: WE DIDN’T). How was your weekend? Did you get your errands done? Lemme know if you wanna get a drink soon. 



Yeah that was fun. I like hanging out with you :) Listen I know it’s an interesting time and things are a little uncertain but there’s a Big Things Abroad There Over There Now show next Friday. I’ve been wanting to see them FOREVER and I would enjoy taking you. I could get tickets. Interested?


Honestly I thought about it but I kinda want to do it with you.



K I got tickets :) This will be super fun. What do you think, should we dress up? Let’s get fancy. I always love finding reasons to dress up and I can pull off a jacket and tie really well. You should wear that blue dress you mentioned that one time!! Let’s just meet after work, we’ll grab some Minute Men Fast Indian Cuisine on 4th and 4th just off 4th where 4th meets 4th. Yeah it’s good. Easy.


NICE!!! You look awesome. Wear that :D


Yeah. I knew that would happen. How are you feeling?


Sure we can get together and talk about it.



Thanks for being honest. I’m a little confused too right now but the truth is I kind of like it. We’re still exploring the shape of this thing. But that was one of the coolest nights I’ve ever had. Your hair smells good ;)


Yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo Madeleine what’s the world like on your side of the world which is actually just a few miles away!!! Haha. Whatevs. Just whatevs! Check out this video of Numabevickitch. He’s the man, the master!!


EXACTLY!! You can just feel his passion and love of the craft bleed out and infect everything he does. It’s inspiring. Honestly it makes me wonder where I’d be if I had his discipline. Do you feel the same? I knew you’d like it :) Your stuff has a similar vibe. It’s really good. I feel like you get it. Reminds me of that interview with Tyyxyrtgx. Hey you’re fun. Let’s hang again. I have some new sheets.


PS Miss youuuuuuuuuu


HA I was beginning to wonder if you got swallowed by the endless depths of this city. Sorry to bug you. No worries just lemme know when you’re free. I’ve been a little busy too but free whenever. I’ll just go back to my LIFE :) 


Ughhh. Did shrooms yesterday with Kolooloalskssss, Asfrsnamejx and Looooooooodc. I gotta cut that shit out. So fucking intense. I SAW MY NAME IN THE AIR and the trees started vibrating and then shot lasers into the sky. Laughed our asses off which is what that stuff is good for but I dunno, went pretty deep, like into the fabric of the universe and saw where the seams held together other fabrics and your sense of self simply doesn’t exist anymore. Like there’s not even a “you” to feel fear and you’re just this bundle of impulses responding to instinct on such a primeval ancient level that is almost reptilian in a way. Can’t describe it. I dunno. It transcends language so trying to describe the experience is next to useless. It’s worth doing though. You learn a lot about yourself and you can apply a lot of lessons to your real life and in several real ways you come back a more well-rounded person with a more realistic outlook on your place in the world. You get to look at yourself in a weirdly detached objective third-person way and you have an opportunity to reevaluate yourself. It’s intense. Seriously it changed who I was. I think everybody should have that experience. Yeah it can be frightening but with the right people you’re basically guaranteed to have a positive time. I’m pretty good with that stuff. I guide first-timers pretty well. Just something everyone should do once, I really don’t think there’s a downside to this stuff right away. You’re a HUMAN BEING, so have a HUMAN EXPERIENCE that is available to you. Haha I sound insane. But seriously. Consider it. By the way, why didn’t you tell me you needed a ride from the airport? I would’ve picked you up!


See ya.


How’s it goin? I’m so tired. Barely functioning at work today :D :D So fucking fun. Still good with everything?


What’s up Madders! Poke poke. I got that red pin. 


Also you left your charger at my place. I’ll bring it next time.


Here’s that article I mentioned the other day (ignore the comments unless you hate yourself). Tell me it sounds familiar. :P Hey so you still down to go to weird shit around town with me every once in a while? I’m always going to strange events, I think you’d like them.


Whoa holy whoa

Sorry I had no idea. Can we talk about it?


K well it’s been a few weeks but I just wanted to reach out and try to see where we stand. I’m guessing this is all over the end goodbye peace out but I just have this piece of lead in my gut and I can’t get rid of it. I hate it. I hate this. Do you still feel bad? I don’t know what to think and I wake up with anxiety.


I don’t know how to respond to this. That’s just heartbreaking to read Madeleine. I honestly didn’t intend that at all and I didn’t expect this either it just happened. I can’t read your mind. I’m thinking back to that night on the bridge with the city lights in the background. Did I imagine that? I don’t think either of us handled that very well. You’re an intense person too and our personalities just have this crazy magnetism that brings everything out to the surface. I’m sorry Madeleine. I’m grateful for the attention we gave one another at a time when we both needed it. You’re one of the kindest people I know. Can we be friends still? I’ve always admired how good you are at taking care of yourself and knowing what you need when you need it.


Hi ho Madadaddadaleine… Yeah yep it’s me. Me here. Just me saying hi from me to you. How’s life? Things are going well for me I suppose. I got promoted. How are you? Look at this, I finally went to the Jickmahdivme!! Pic attached.


Haha oh man I forgot all about that! That’s right!! You always loved that place. How’s Wenr83yx6frnt? Last I remember she just got pregnant I think?… how’s she doing? I have to be honest, I always did like making you laugh.


So yeah I know it’s been awhile but would you be willing to get coffee with me sometime?


Hey, last try. Would love to catch up.

