The passing note in between the two perfect fifths must leap away a perfect fourth from the first minim

COOL OK THEN | The passing note in between the two perfect fifths must leap away a perfect fourth from the first minim
Letters of Recommendation
July 23 2020

1299 words


I'm writing to express my sincere recommendation of Jom Hutman for the position of Regional Position. I have known Jom forever and he's the man for the job. How do I know that? Well where do I start? I'll tell you where: with a bullet point list. Research shows bullet point lists are read more often (3.tx times more) than non-lists and succeed when they contain 6-8 items. In this list, I will endeavor to create a reasonable picture of Jonm Hnbutnan. A picture is worth a thousand words so we can't exceed 1000 words if I am to create the picture I intend to create. This is just how it is. Thanks.

  • Back in the Days, I knew Jom. He was my dad's son and we worked together on the Farm Job. Once a day, we would look into the horizon. It was a westward facing field so we had to look at the sunset over the field. Jom would say: "Someday my friend [referring to me] we will get off this Farm Job."

  • Jonmer has 3 years of experience building robust infruatrsc in the name of the game. I love him for this. We're fucking fucked here without JOm Hutman but that's the game we play here at Game HQ. Thanks.

  • Bullet point lists: that's what we do. Jom is a great team player. Here's an example. We were all standing around the watercooler shoving another coworker around, laughing at him and making fun of how his shirt was too big, saying he was too poor to afford a shirt that fit and he should maybe wear his blanket to work next time if he thought he liked clothes that obviously didn't fit. I took some Skittles (a type of candy) and threw them at him just to add some humor to the situation. It worked and everybody laughed. Another guy shoved him hard into the wall for more humor. He was suffering from depression I think and his girlfriend had just left him because apparently her quality of life was beginning to decline as well. Things were getting really funny and even our boss joined in! He said something about how if he couldn't get shoes that didn't have holes he would have to fire him for low-effort work performance. It was all in good fun of course.

  • I am frotunaneate to be on the same list of contacts that Jom is on. So I am a good communicator. I am very comfortable in roles that require communication skills and organization. I tend to think a little outside the box and solve problems in unique, interesting ways. For example, when our computer systems went down, pretty much everybody sat at their desks and didn't know what to do. Some people didn't even try to solve the problem. However, I was on the phone immediately with IT demanding to know when they would fix everything. They told me they were working hard and would provide an update when they had more information. This is an example of how I solve problems.

  • Jom has a great ethical code. Here's an example that I think really illustrates JOm Humter's ethical code. Once we had to write an algorithm that deliberately deceived end users as part of an experiment to see how they behave on a social network after they are exposed to different kinds of ads. We exposed different groups to different kinds of ads filled with various incendiary political rhetoric as well as a list of products that had variable pricing depending on the category we placed the user in, and then correlated whether the kinds of political ads they were exposed to determined how much they were willing to spend on a product. Which price was the most successful? We got a lot of data out of this experiment and learned a lot about how to influence consumer thinking and behavior without their knowledge. Jom was the primary programmer on this assignment and he knocked it out of the park. Privately he told me he was sort of uncomfortable with the experiment but he did it anyway because he knew that was the job. Jonm will always do the job.


  • Jom
  • jom
  • JOM
  • JOM humtam for the job
  • Hire it
  • Hire the guy

cool ok





  • ok






  • cool ok

The hallway scene in the hallway was peak contnet























  • It seems every generation has to rediscover that their country's rulers don't have their best interests at heart because growing up everyone is taught to believe that they do. So it doesn't matter who's in control: lessons are not learned and power will necessarily lead to authoritarianism. Escalation of force is a deliberate tactic intended to justify state violence. People who deny this are giving the rulers what they want and teaching power what it can get away with, in every era. It is a cycle. Authoritarianism is always there in the background as a constant threat. Citizens fighting back is the only defense against it. Thanks.

  • Jomn is probably the easiest person in the world to get along with. In terms of conflict resolution, I love getting into fights with him. Once I threw a glass of water on him while he was working at his computer (it was just a harmless prank). He sat there pretty shocked! He immediately reported me to our supervisor and I got a written warning from HR, had to attend sensitivity training, and was barred from company property for a week while my computer was searched for malicious content. Thanks.

In conclusion, I hope you will conclude that JOnm Humtan is the man you want to hire. It's high time we get ththteeeeee3333333333






hire him





hire him you fuck








hire this man

you gotta do the hiring

if you wanna do the hiringggggggggggggggg

quick tip for you here





Ok so what I really want to talk to you guys about today is the way it's it. Thanks.

