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COOL OK THEN | The blog that shows you what's what.
How to Realize Your Dream
September 20 2018

1909 words


Dreams. We all have them. Big. Small. Everything in between. And no I'm not talking about the dreams you have at night when you sleep. I'm talking about the dreams you have of doing something that fulfills you completely. Did you not pick up on the context the word was being used in?! Fuck! You gotta pay close attention because you're gonna miss out on 89289289g989 g9882g msiimsimoa ioaiefj oijap8e9aj892j89 a2j89a892pp.a..f 2. 2,.awoij

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Dreams. I'm talking about that feeling inside you that yerns to break free and make something of your life. Music, poetry, your own coffee shop, a non profit that helps the needy. Whatever it is we're here to help you make it happen. Please continue reading to continue reading about dreams.

Dreams. The first thing you have to realize about dreams is that making your dream a reality is not easy when it comes to dreams. You have to sacrifice everything. You have to give it all up to make it happen. Ok we'll get to that but first let's go see that concert tonight of your favorite band! Wait haha no. Can't do it. That was a test. You failed already. Gotta sacrifice it all for the dream. That's how it works. Dreams!

Alright, moving on. Wanna go grab a quick drink tonight with friends just for an hour to wind down after a week of sacrificing it all? No. I already said that's not how it fucking works. Remember, every moment is a moment you can sacrifice it all which includes tonight, and in order to sacrifice it all you need to give up everything and by giving up everything you'll be sacrificing it all for your dream. No time like the present to do that.

Alright, whoooooo man this is tough work. Let's take a quick break. Go ahead and lay down for a minute and catch up on the big game. Gotta unwind from sacrificing it all. Hold on there. What did I tell you? What did I fucking tell you you fucking fuck? What the fuck do you think we're doing here? Oh hmmmm ok yeah no no go ahead lay down. LAY DOWN. I SAID FUCKING LAY DOWN. How does that feel? Pretty good right? Feels comfortable. Give your brain a chance to rest for a few minutes. That's important. You need a break every once in a while. Yep. Gotta give yourself a break. Whew ok ok. Yep just laying down now. Hey you know what happened in the last few minutes? Uhhhh yep you guessed it: NOT YOUR FUCKING DREAM. Your dream is over. Fucking OVER. Just like that. You didn't sacrifice EVERYTHING you lazy fuck. LAY BACK DOWN! I SAID LAY BACK DOWN!!!! Listen. Dreams know when you don't give it all up and that's where you're falling short here. Gotta get on the wagon, bud. Gotta give it all up for the dream and the dream will give it all up for you. It's about sacrificing it all for the dream that you sacrifice it all for to give it all up for the dream that you give it all up for to sacrifice everything                                                                             for your dream that you dream when you think hey I need to                     dream big and I'm gonna do it so here we go with this dream that I'm dreaming because I'm willing to give it                     all up for the dream       because       the dream is bigger than me and

               everything else and        that's what dreams are for because

                                                       they're for dreaming and not for not sacrificing it all because you have to          sacrifice it all for the dream and that's how a dream is when you dream the dream you dream the DREAM instead of not dreaming the dream and you                                                  sacrifice it all and that's what dreams are for because        that's what we do when we dream because dreaming is dreaming and that's the equation for dreams and if you take that into account you have to sacrifiifififeiieice itaiail for the odiridiorDREAAMMMIEFIom2ioiiiojkjksf8892 f23 82 8928



                    Yeah we met at a party last weekend and she gave me her number. I texted her and she texted back once but I haven't heard back since. Been a few days. Shit. I kinda liked her too.

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Ok let's back up a minute here. So we know that you need to give everything up for a dream but how do we even get started? First we need to establish what your dream is. Fill in the blank here. When I was a kid I always wanted to: ____________________________.

What did you fill in? WELL THAT'S YOUR FUCKING DREAM YOU FUCK. FUCKKKKKKKKKK. OIWFJO OFE(*F@(**F8988898989f2899f28j8j2f9j298jf2989j8f28 88j 29jj9f






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Dreams. Back to dreams. Ok now that we have your dream picked out let's go ahead and pick out your dream. We did that. PAY ATTENTION. The next step is to sacrifice it all. Didn't we cover this shit already too? No. I said pay attention. So, what does that mean? Well let's look closer:

'All' is a word. 'Sacrifice' is also a word. This much is true. But here's where we get into trouble. 'Dream.' The word 'dream' is more than a word. It's everything. EVERYTHING. Dream. Say it again. Dream. Yep. How does that feel? I'll tell you how it feels. It feels like a dream. That's the dream. You feel it and then you make it a reality for the dreammmmmm. For example, let's take a look at this example:

Did you see Ignite Man 8: Wow Ok We Gotta Another Battle Comin' Up Here? What a fucking movie! Best in the franchise if you ask me. That's the power of dreams. Dreams make movies. I have all the films on DVD and BlueRay because I like to watch them each at least three times a year. There's always something new to discover. I hate it when people talk about these films as if they understand them and the characters as well as I do. I spend a lot of time online arguing and correcting people. I feel it's important, you know? I feel like I'm slowly helping people understand the importance of these films and helping the franchise THRIVE. Jesus fuck do you get it? DO YOU GET IT YET? Fuck we've covered this topic over and over on this website. Just go read any other fucking post FUCK. Movie franchises are products. THEY'RE PRODUCTS. I mean it's your time you can do whatever the fuck you want but take a step back and ask yourself how this shit is serving you. What's it doing for your life? Maybe it's imprisoning you in an adolescent state, choking you from the depth that life offers, robbing you of real personal growth and meaning all because of an addiction to content that's fueled by sophisticated marketing tactics which keeps you hooked to the self destructive escape it offers. Ever think about that? Hey man we're just trying to enjoy ourselves here. What's the problem with liking movies? They're fun. It's not a big deal. They're just movies and they2ey8  88jf8898989f28 8 82 f89 8989f8j8j989jj8998j

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We're gonna head up to the mountains for a few nights to camp and unwind. Wanna come? No? Why? Oh yeah ok man. It's cool. Games are important too. I understand. Go back to your games. Hahaha games! Love 'em. Games are so fun! You play the game and then you don't play the game anymore. That's GAMES. Play it. PLAY THE GAME. Cool man. You sure you don't wanna come? What's really stopping you? Oh well yeah don't worry about that, we have lots of extra gear you can borrow. I have a four person tent and an extra sleeping bag and sleeping pad so plenty of room to get you in there. No? Oh yeah we're gonna stop by the grocery store on the way up so you can get whatever you want. The drive up is only about two hours. It's a really beautiful drive too. Winding road through the mountains with impressive views. No? Why? Oh don't worry about that. I checked the forecast and there's a 0 percent chance of rain. It's gonna be clear skies and mid 70s all weekend and it'll only get down to low 50s at night. Wait, why? Oh no no we'll have a fire going so you'll be plenty warm and the sleeping bag I have for you is rated at 15 degrees farenheit. Haha, what? Why? Seriously? Ok man. I get it, I get it. No no don't worry about it. Enjoy your weekend here playing games. Hope you make it to the boss battle or whatever the fuck you're doing. Jesus fuck what's up with that guy.

