We care about privacy which is why we sell your data privately

COOL OK THEN | We care about privacy which is why we sell your data privately
Emails from our Readers
July 20 2019

1148 words


Hey coolokthen!

Really love what you're doing with the site. I find the posts very entertaining and I enjoy the weird sense of humor on here. The way posts often start out coherently and intact and then devolve into insanity over the course of several paragraphs always makes me laugh. Can't wait for more!

All the best,



Just wanted to write in to you (whoever is running this site) and say it's kinda cool. I stumbled on it by accident and read the post on PARTY ETIQUETTE and at first I didn't really understand it. But then I read the other posts and realized the sort of odd humor you're going for here. I still don't quite "get it" in terms of what the overall purpose is? But I do enjoy it.


What's the point of this??



Hello to whoever is writing this stuff! Big fan here. I really love this site. I get it, you know? It's awesome how you use strange humor to as a sort of satire to comment on the general public's discourse with regard to specific relevant issues like technology, movies, privacy, etc. It's artistic in a way how you use this medium and very unique "voice" you have to make a point about the things that interest or concern you. I hope people understand what you're doing here and I hope I'm understanding your intention correctly. Like the post on PRIVACY UPDATES AND NEW FEATURES for example. It's long and silly but it makes a great point how technology companies are slowly chipping away at our privacy veiled as "new features" that will benefit us. While that's true to some extent, what are we giving up? Is the convenience really worth handing over so much of our individual information and freedom? I think you could even go further with this here and question what these companies are actually doing with all of this data. At this point it seems (mostly) harmless but that will likely not always be the case. How can this data be used in 10, 20, 30 years down the road? Plus these technology companies go UNCHECKED. They can do whatever they want. There's no laws in place to protect user privacy and there never will be because it all moves too fast. God, how can people not understand this? You can't have a conversation with anyone without being labeled as "paranoid."

Anyway, thank you again for giving me a way to laugh at it all. It's really depressing at times and this, at the very least, shows that there's other people out there who are as concerned as me.



Hey so I don't get this site. It's really weird and it's trying too hard to be funny and I just don't like the look or layout. Seems amateur. You'll never get anyone to advertise on this thing. Little advice: give the site a facelift, tone down the nonsense, advertise on google, connect it to social media, use some sort of tracking to monitor traffic (if you aren't already), create a newsletter people sign up for (monthly minimum), sell tshirts (or some merchandise that promotes the site), offer ad space (for free to begin with), make youtube videos (top 10 work well), and above all gather as much data as you can about your readers (email address, location, identity, get them to provide access to their instagram/facebook/any social media as that stuff is a GOLD MINE). Hope this helps!


Greetings sir/madam,

I've had a chance to check out your site. I really like it and appreciate some of it but honestly I was put off by what I presume is a negative outlook on super hero movies. I was kind of offended that you so flippantly denounce them. I'm a big fan of Marvel and have been reading those comics since I was a child. They're more than silly entertainment. They tackle really deep topics like racism and death. And they also have really epic moments. Like in the newest Avengers film at the end when all the Avengers come back to battle, that was incredibly moving for me. I'm a grown ass man in my 30s and in the theater I teared up and almost started hyperventilating. It was overwhelming in the best way. Just smiling and wiping my eyes, feeling like a kid again. What's wrong with that??  


Sooooo what's with the subtitles? They're just random weird nonsense.



Yeah I gotta agree with you on the whole super hero thing. Bunch of goddamn adult children refusing to grow up, spending hours of their day lost in this nonsense as if it provides some deep meaning in their lives, and also defending comics as if its legitimate "literature" comparable to masterful writers like Steinbeck. Give me a fucking break. I honestly don't give a shit about them. They can waste away their lives watching and rewatching this manufactured corporate dribble but I'm glad to have found a site that understands this.



i really enjoy the site and the look/layout of it. i was wondering who built it? i need someone to build my site (i'm a traveling dominatrix). let me know.


Hey guys/gals,

Big fan. Was wondering when you're going to do another "rails" post. I love those and how they take common phrases in the English language and try to educate people on them. I had two ideas that maybe you could throw in?

Seeing eye to eye

Level the playing field

Just a thought. Good luck!



Hey coolokthen,

Just wanted to write in and start that part of the post where it devolves into nonsense. Can't end a post without that hahhaaah. MAYBE     THIS WILL HELPPPPP  apofijpowij Like ok let's get a phrase to kick this off. Uhhhhhh we need more milk in the milk machine



MILK           hhhhhhhhhh oiwoi iojwoivj MILK MACHINENNENE



WHO??              WHY THE MILK MACHINE OF COURSE!!!!!!     


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