Send your info and private data to everyone because that's basically what you're doing anyway and nothing fucking matters anymore it's just fucking overrreriaoewjrowjer awje rjae

COOL OK THEN | Send your info and private data to everyone because that's basically what you're doing anyway and nothing fucking matters anymore it's just fucking overrreriaoewjrowjer awje rjae
Kablaaaam Man's Heroic Speech from Kablaaaaaamm Man 4: Rise of the Rising
August 24 2019

1019 words


Warriors. Today is our day. The dark forces of Valrknion descend upon us to wipe our lands, our people, our way of life from the face of the galaxy. He will come with violence and a relentless desire to destroy everything we hold dear. He is pure evil personified. But we cannot let him succeed. Though we are outnumbered and outgunned, we have one thing he does not: hope. Hope is what we have and he does not have that. WE have that. HE does NOT. No! WE HAVE IT. And that is why we will win. To dare to hope is to dare to win and to win is to win as we all know as it is defined by it.

Warriors! Today we march not as a collection of warriors but as ONE unit to fight the fight of all fights! We fight and therefore we shall win! To win is to fight and to fight is to win and fight we must! Fighting is what we do!!!!

Valkrrion is evil, that we know. And we are GOOD! Yes, good. We are good and he is evil. EVIL! Good and evil! Yes this is the fight we're fighting here, for good. FOR GOOD! We are good. WE ARE GOOD. Two opposing forces here. Good AND evil! And we must fight the evil because we are the good. THE GOOD!!!!! There is no other way here. It's all good or all evil! Well, ok let's dig into this a bit. Valkrrion wants to kill everything. Why? IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER. That's what he does because he's evil. What's the motive? Who the fuck knows man. You gotta just go with it here ok? Ok. Great! Ok back to it then. GOOD and EVIL. Yep, that's what we have here and we are the GOOD. Ok!

Onto the next part. WARRIORS! UNITE! AWOOOOOO!!! That is our battle cry. The cry of the Warrior. THE WARRIOR! Gotta have this shit. Warriors. UNITE! AWOOO!!! Today we battle. The battle will rage long into the night. We will fight through the fight. Many of you will die but die in vain you will not for this is the fight of all fights. The fight of good vs evil. This was established you FUCKS! Why would you question this. We're doing a good ol' fashioned fight here. You fucking fight for GOOD and that's the side we're on. Ok we're going backwards here. Try to keep up. FUCK.

At dusk we march. We march towards the battlefield where we will meet our foe face to face. As we battle, remember what you fight for. You fight for the future of our people. You fight for freedom from tyranny. You fight for it. You fight also for that. And what do you fight for? Let's look at this. Ok so if you put it that way you'll see how sales have grown exponentially over the course of it. Look at the graph below. We need to invest in further investments in order to sustain growth in the longterm. Longterm growth is ideal and investors are excited about the new Kallbbbalaalam Man products that get fans buying shit for aowap 89up98au2f98a2up9a82f p9a8u2f9p8ua2f8 piafp3o2

kablaam man graph

Ok man we need to get the theme park up and running. I don't fucking care. Make it fucking happen. Gotta get these people in the goddamn door here. Gotta get it while this franchise is hot. Ok the marketing team is working hard to push shit on instagram. We've got several high profile influencers pushing our shit just to keep us relevant in the goddamn conversation. This is helping drive the algorithm in our favor too. Also we've bought a shit ton of ad space. We're getting those eyeballs on our shit DAILY and there's no way we can lose now. The machine is TOO BIG. Hahahahaahaha I love it! The best part? People don't see this as a product! To them it's more than even entertainment. It's life! It's important to them. Hahhaa god I love this shit. We can't lose. WE CAN'T LOSE. We can make a shitty movie and it works in our favor because people will talk about how shitty it is and complain about it for months. Negativity seems to drive the conversation even MORE than positivity and that keeps us relevant. Negativity and shitty products are actually totally fucking fine in this equation. The franchise can't lose. People are too invested. Hahahhaha god this shit is great. We're fucking rolling in it. We can't do wrong. Let's just keep going with this shit. Fuck! YES! YES!! Cool. Cool ok then.

Warriors! Let's get out there and FIGHT. We fight today. We will fight and we will win. The primal desires for violence resonate with men specifically ages 18-49. We're crushing it in this demographic. And so we fight. WE FIGHT! Look man I'm not fucking bitter about any of this. I get it. It's a product and people are making money. They're crushing it here. Good for them. I just want to be able to go to a goddamn party and not have this super hero shit be a huge part of the conversation. That's on me to steer it in a different direction and to surround myself with people that don't care about this shit. I will take that responsibility. See, I'm growing here. I'm becoming self aware and casting away that victim mentality. Cool. Cool ok then!

Ok let's wrap this shit up. Go fucking fight or some shit. Fight for glory. Goddamn you know what's gonna happen here. We're gonna fight and win. Yep! GOOD WILL TRIUMPH OVER EVIL YET AGAIN!!!!!!!! We fight for it! We fight!!! AWOOOO!!! Warriors. WARRIORRORIORS!!! UNITE!!! AWOOO!!! To glory. TO GLORY. Good. We are good here. WE'RE GOOD! THEY'RE EVIL. WE fight. WE fight..................Hey why doiawh 98f2hp 98a2hp 98ahvp98ha2v 98hv89ah2 98havp9ahv 98hpva9h8v9a2h928va

wasn't able to keep this under 1,000 words COOL. COOL. ok then cool okk thennnnnnn



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