Pay attention to the news and then choose what you believe based on what you already believe

COOL OK THEN | Pay attention to the news and then choose what you believe based on what you already believe
In Memoriam: Granin Hermar
May 25 2017

673 words


The death of Granin Hermar is a tragic one.  I grew up watching his films from my early days as a child when I was a child.  I used to stay up late watching his films as a child and he very quickly became an inspiration to me from a very early age when I was a child.  When I saw him in the movie Trains: Yep That's Them I knew I wanted to be just like him when I grew up.  He was so confident and electrifying in that role and I think that's what made him such a great person in life.  His character was so well liked and I can see why everyone in Hollywood  loved him as a person.  It was in that moment I realized I wanted to be just like him.

In high school my girlfriend broke my heart after only a few months of dating.  The thoughts of never loving again tumbled through my brain relentlessly but fortunately Granin Hermar was there during that really tough time to show me that I could love again.  In the movie Trains: Nope Not Them he loved a woman unconditionally and I knew that he was speaking to me in that moment.  His role showed me that I could indeed love someone again and it was exactly what I needed.  In that moment I realized I wanted to be just like him. 

When I was in my early 20s I had a particularly rough patch in my life.  A lot of things were going wrong but I persisted and continued watching movies that Granin Hermar starred in.  I even watched films in which he took on smaller, less significant roles.  I was that dedicated.   In the movie Trains: Maybe Them Sometimes he showed me that rough patches happen in life.  It brought about an awareness that I couldn't have had without him.  In a way he was like a father to me and showed me what it meant to be a man.  He was such a wonderful figure and truly an upstanding guy and beloved by everyone.  I can attest to that having watched all of his films dozens of times.  In those moments I realized I wanted to be just like him.

 Funny story about Granin Hermar.  He was staying at a hotel once and the man working at the front desk asked him "what time do you plan to check out tomorrow?"  Granin Hermar said "around 10:30am".  The next morning Granin Hermar was two minutes early checking out.  The guy at the front desk didn't notice or care that he was early and Granin Hermar checked out and left.  I think this just goes to show you what an awesome guy Granin was.   A legend in my book.  I don't think anyone else in Hollywood would have done that and that's what I liked about him.  A breath of fresh air.  In that moment I realized I wanted to be just like him.

Granin Hermar will be missed.  In honor of him I have decided to watch all of his films again now with the films he's done while watching his films and watching them (his films) as I watch his films and remember him and pay tribute to him as a person while watching all of his films (all of them) and when I'm done I'll watch them again because in order to remember someone we have to watch the films of them (all of them) and their lives and that's what life is because we can't just go through life and say "hey now not that" because we need to say "yes please to that please" to everything which is what Granin Hermar taught me with his films since I was a child in my childhood watching his films (all of them) when I was a child and it shaped me from birth and made me who I am today thanks to Granin Hermar and in that moment I realized I wanted to be just like him.  

