The world is great right now

COOL OK THEN | The world is great right now
March 7 2018

1196 words


We here at coolokthen believe in the inspired individual. We believe in the power of words and how they affect you. That's why we've come up with a list of our favorite inspirational quotes to get you through all moments of your life, good and bad. The health of the coolokthen community is very important to us and we want to see it thrive. Please continue reading and be inspired.


We only fear what we fail to understand. However, when we seek to understand, fear transforms into compassion.
-Harvey Morlman


Natural talent will never replace the hard work and grit of a determined spirit.
-Gale Galenan


All humans desire love and yet we close ourselves to it daily for fear of hurt. It is the hurt that we should seek because it is the hurt that allows us to grow.
- Daniel Barmolnon


Humanity is a brushstroke of infinite colors. When we paint we should seek to use as many colors as we can or else we may end up with a blank canvas.
- Faye Fayelenton


If we live without the courage to stand up for what's right we never live to see the best parts of ourselves.
-Valerie Gal


It is often thought that failure is not an option. Failure is ALWAYS an option. Without it there would never be a single success.
-Tim Avery


Humans are a resilient bunch. When given a challenge we rise to face it. When we don't then that's how that is when we do that.
-Brian Latherton


Peace is not brought about by the fear of one man against a fellow man. Peace is only achieved through the peace of one man to another through fear although given time it isn't.
-Hal Nornon


Success is never achieved alone. It is the culmination of a lifetime of teachers, mentors, friends, lovers, products, 2289% off products, sales, sales, streaming services, movies, tv movies, movies, and others but not limited to movies.
-Amanda Xi


Life is more than cells and molecules and atoms. It's a celebration of the human condition through love and triumph when we all need that one person to be with we just go for it and give it what we need to give in order to live our lives to be the best at what we are when we say yes this is my life and I'm going to go for it with my life because I only have one life and with this one life I'm going to go after it with this life in the life that I have through shear hard work and perseverance because that's what life is all about when you look back on life you say hoooooooooo boy this is life and that's what I did with my life because you have to say that at the end or else you didn't live a life but instead didn't live a life.
-James Hery


Greg you left the oven on again. It's set to 350 degrees. Put the roast in.
-Bev Barlington


I fucking left it on purposefully. It says to preheat it in the directions. Don't snap at me. You're always fucking snapping at me.
-John Barlington


I didn't snap at you. Look, you need to take a breather. The doctor said your temper is getting out of hand. Go meditate. That's what we agreed.
-Bev Barlington


Meditate. Medicate. Nothing ever changes. Sedate me. Make me a fucking zombie. Ok lemme go take my antidepressants. Fuck!
-John Barlington


Oh great you woke the baby from his nap. Jesus fuck now I gotta deal with two infants.
-Bev Barlington


Real funny, Bev. Real fucking funny. Where's my hammer? Gotta do some hammering.
-John Barlington


Too many people look to material possessions to fill empty holes in their lives. The only way to fill an empty hole is with the shovel of self love.
-Ingrid Marlman


How many more people have to die before we realize that war is never the answer? The answer is more. Just do more now. Take this. Take it. What's gonna happen? Uhhhhh that's why you TAKE IT you fucking fuck.
-Val Momelnon


Did it kick in yet? Take more. It's not much. Or is it? I don't know there's no way to measure this shit.
-Val Momelnon


-Nick Zaz


-Ulysses Quantorn


-Carl Balvenro


We have a duty to ourselves to give thanks to the lord for this bountiful harvest LOL nope there's no god hahaha what uhhhhhh science. Look at the FACTS. God is god. Is he (or SHE)? No because god doesn't exist. Prove it. Prove it. Prove that I left the backdoor open again. It's these fucking drugs, Bev. They got my mind all fucked up. I just want to think like ME again. I don't feel like myself. This shit isn't fucking working and you and the doctor want me to take MORE? Wait who are you calling? Who? Don't call your sister. It's fine. Everything is fine. Where's my hammer? Need to do some hammering.
-John Barlington


828823 + 283882 = ? uhhhhh WHO CARES. Doesn't matter anyway. They're just NUMBERS!
-Catherine Weeeeeeeeeeeeeel




The new tax code could have used a bigger deduction in line 28392.238 for low to middle income families ranging from low to high in that order but not subject to copyright under federal jurisdiction code 92998.289 in collaboration with director Everett Maln who directed last year's award winning film LAST YEAR'S AWWWAAAAAAARD WINNING FILM which brought in a record 823u28923988932j9328fh8923fh8932h9823h83f98h9f82389hf282hf323f in profits.
-Walter Mansky


Sun looks awful bright today. The harvest ain't gonna make it past noon. Who?
-Katie Warnor


Where's my hammer? Gotta do some hammering.
-John Barlington


My hammer. I need it. Need to do some hammering.
-John Barlington


Hammer. We all need hammers. Where's mine? Gotta do some hammering.
-John Barlington


Last I saw the hammer it was in the garage. Gonna check there. Need to do some hammering.
-John Barlington


Hmmm nope not here. Where's that hammer? Really need to do some hammering.
-John Barlington


I'm not fucking around anymore. Really need that hammer. Haha why? Well I gotta do some hammering of course!!
-John Barlington


A man's gotta hammer from time to time and that time is now! Really gotta have that hammer about now. Need to do some hammering!!!
-John Barlington


-John Barlington


A MAN'S GOTTA HAMMER AND THAT'S WHEN HE HAMMERS!!!!!! NEED THAT HAMMER NEEEEEED THATT** HAMMEMRIOIROEMIW HAFOIEIFOWO GOTTA DO SOME HAMMERMMRMMRINGNNGNGNGNGNGNGNGNGN!@I!*!@*DJ*!@(*D*(*@J!DJ*@*(@*(*(F*(J#(*F@#FN@#nfnfnuun2nuiunf2inuf2uif3u238f989f28989f3(((((((((( GOTTA DO SSOOOMME HAMMERINNNN(((((((((((((((((((@*(#F8@38h)))*@F##((((((((()#F#@F(#F@((F#@(@F#)(@)(()()@............................................................f2f2223.............f23f2f2NEED TO DO SOMMMMMMEEE HAMMMERRRRRRRINNGNNGNGN 2323.........................Df23f3223f3fGOTTA DOOO SOMMEE HAMMMMMERRINNGNG3233233232332-++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-John Barlington


Gotta have that hammer. Need to do some HAMMERING!!!!!
-John Barlington


-Fred Smith

