Read em! Read em all! Read the ones that you see and then the ones that are also in there!

COOL OK THEN | Read em! Read em all! Read the ones that you see and then the ones that are also in there!
I read books
November 18 2021

848 words


Hey everyone! Does anyone else love to read like me? I like to read books. You could say I'm a reader and I like that about myself. I like reading because the books I read make me feel good when I read them. Am I the only one who does this?

Here's my latest haul! Big stack this month and I don't think I'll get through them as fast as I usually do which is incredibly fast because I read all the time. This week I picked up a stack of ones that I just have to chew through and I'm excited to start. Reading takes courage. Reading is difficult. It takes work. It requires effort and here is a photo that shows how much I've been reading. When I read I tend to "get inside" the book, so to speak, and truly understand what the writer is saying. Each sentence is a gem of an idea that must be treasured. I like that. I read books. I understand things when I read them. Anyway look at my photo.

New haul. This photo is by me. What do you like about this? Let me know!

Hey man why do you have to be so critical of everything. Anytime somebody shows how much they love something it's like you have to shit on it and make fun of them. Just let them enjoy what they enjoy. It doesn't affect you at all.

Well I don't know maybe this public display of tailored consumerism just doesn't work for me and seems like an obvious tacky way of status signaling.

But you like to read. I would think you'd want to be part of a positive community that supports enthusiasm for reading. Don't you always complain that people watch too much movies and TV?

Yeah but these people aren't reading are they? They're just spending hours taking pictures of books and writing paragraphs telling us why reading is so fun instead of you know, actually reading. This isn't about reading it's about faking a persona in front of an audience.

Why are you wasting energy on this in the first place? People like to show off what they like. Just because it triggers you doesn't mean you have to let it get to you like this.

Hhahahha cool ok then I'll keep my trap shut yes sir I will do that let's get back to it thanks.

Ok cool chekck out this latest book I got and am reading now because I read. I normally avoid big trendy books because I like to avoid trends. I go my own way I am not influenced by media. But I saw the movie over the weekend loved it because it was big and epic and I liked how it looked so I had to buy the book. Had to. I had to. I had to because I wanted to so here is a photo of it. Really digging it so far even though it was written by a white male. Please love me. Look at my photo of it.

I like this shot because it shows the book I bought. What's your favorite shot I took?

It's important to know how to read efficiently so that's why I engage in a practice called reading. Basically what you do is you crack open 5 or 6 books at a time and do a quick skim of the first few pages. If anything hooks you then you just continue skimming the rest of the pages and keep an eye out for anything that you like. You have to like what you're reading. If it's hard or unenjoyable just stop. Ain't nobody got no time for that which they got no time for iif they dont liek what theyre reading then that's what they ai't got no time for.

It's ok to not finish books! If you don't like it then just stop reading it. This week alone I have read almost 30 books in this way. By reading just a few pages throughout the book you can do what's called a "laser focused book treatment" and get the gist of it without spending all of your time on every page. Look at my photos.

Ok are we done? Are you done shitting on another hobby that people like to share with the world? What does this say about you?

Well I would say maybe it says I'm still learning about myself and I'm working through things and this helps me laugh at my own views.

At the expense of others. All you're doing is laughing at others.

No I'm laughing at myself. Nobody has to take this personally it's just an art experiment man

Well I'm not laughing and in fact I feel kind of bad for you. All you ever do with this website is make fun of shit.

Ok thanks. 

