I'll take that the one that is it

COOL OK THEN | I'll take that the one that is it
How To Make Some Holiday Plans
May 26 2019

654 words


Happy Memorial Day everyone! You're probably thinking: fuck I forgot about that. WE HAVE YOU COVERED. This article is just a quick booster

It can

Hey everyone! Quick article here with a

Welcome to our next article! We have ideas for

WEEKEND PLANS: do you have any? Let's g

It's the weekend. What does that mean? It means that you have to ma

Well well well! Seems like you found our little article! In this one we

There is sometimes a

If you

Ok so let's get

get moving


Hello! We appreciate readership. We also don't have ads. That's because

You have lots of friends. Just take a look at your phone contacts. WOW! How did you get so many?! You're popular. Text somebody! Don't know what to text? We gotchu fam.

- Hey do you have anything going on this weekend? Thinking of going to Brrrrurmmremr Bluffs. View's great and the weather should be nice. Let me know if you want to join!

- Some great spots around here I've been meaning to check out. You should join me right now please.

- Just trying to get out and do fucking anything this weekend haha lemme know if you're free.

- Haha wondering if you're around? Need to find some cool trails. Lmk if you're down!

- Trails. Me. You. Ah bummer, ok all good.

- Trrrrrrrrrails trailllllllll hiking trrrrraillslslslsls.

- Hittin' the ol' trail this weekend! Wanna join? Ok.

- Ok cool no worries! Next time.

- Ha yeah it's kind of last minute but I honestly totally forgot it was the holiday weekend LOL classic me. Anyways, maybe next year lol (joke).

- Just sitting here tonight writing this post on my blog. Yeah we've been doing it for a few years actually. Nobody reads it.

- NATURE! That's what's out there! I gotta go see it. If you want to join lmk. Oh ok yeah no worries.



- Not worryin! We got none of them worries! nooooooooooooooooope

- Worries? Who's got em? Not me! It's the weekend that's why. See you in a bit? Oh darn, ha yeah maybe I should have fucking texted you 3 fucking weeks ago to make sure you were around and we could hang out and go out and do something do you even fucking want to ttoj hadsjklghlkad;gjhhadjgk

- Hey! Great meeting you the other night. Had an awesome time. If you're not doing anything for the holiday maybe we could get a coffee or something. Some really nice spots around town. Haha yeah I know "get coffee" real original. Ok let's get coffee. Quick coffee? Coffeeees shoopssS???? COOCOFFEEEEEEE???? CDDOFFFFFEEEE SHOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPp

- Trails. Gotta. You gotta. It's all about hiking up here. Find some nature and then see it. Everyone does it so why don't you you fucking fuck!

- no worries

- NO worrrrrrrrries

- nnnnnnnn

- Doing anything this weekend? No (worries).

- Let's get coffee.

- Lots of online articles about Kamenu Reeaavaer lately. Interesting. He seems like such a down-to-earth, genuinely nice guy. Faith in humanity: restored. He just rides the subway like a regular dude. Seems like he'd be great to have a beer with. He seems so nice. Seems really cool. Seems like he really cares about people. Seems like he seems. Seems just like me! Seems like that! Just saw that they annouced a Joer Wwrick 4. Think I'm gonna watch these! Not doing anything else tonight ahhahaha lol love it.

- Heya! That was fun. Lemme know when you wanna do that again. Had a nice time. Hit me up, you'll have to show me that vegan place you mentioned haha yeah no I'm not vegan but I don't give a fuck just Ffucking TEXTY ME Y FOSUADF J ASDFHBJKLJG

- HIKES! Why aren't we doing one? Fix this please.

- Toooootally

