July 19 2018

1473 words


Thank you for your patience with regards to our brief hiatus. We've spent the last few months working "under the hood" updating the website with new and exciting features to improve your user experience. We're excited to finally release these updates to you so you can enjoy these new and exciting features which are sure to improve your user experience. Your user experience is important to us which is why we took to the time to improve the website with new and exciting features for your user experience. The user experience, which you are experiencing now, has been improved and we're excited to share it with you through the new and exciting features we have created for you, the user, so that your experience is improved. Thank you for your patience. Here is a list of the updated features which you, the user, can experience:

Hello there, Old Craaaagglins. Didn't mean to disturb you, sir. Grandma Millieeeeery told me to bring you your pocket scarf. How's the weather out here today on the porch?

Well, my boy, it's mighty fine. Might fine INDEEEED. You see those clouds up there? Why those are Nimbrusss clouds out of the south. They like to roll and tumble with the wind like tumbleweed across a vast plain. Do you see what I mean?

Yes I do, Old Craaaaaggagaglins! I do see what you mean! Those clouds, are they carrying any rain?

Well, my boy, that's a question for the ages. I'm of an age so let me try to answer your question.

Ok! Thanks Old Crarhrhghghgglinnsnsss!

Well, my boy, clouds are like a woman. A woman is soft and round, like a cloud. Ho my indeed they are!

Old Craaaglglins, not all women are soft OR round.

Well, my boy, that's for the gods to decide. You see, the gods are a curious bunch, always gettin' into curious predicaments with curious outcomes, don't you think?

I think so, Old Craaaglinnnsnsnnsnsnsnsnsns!

Well, my boy, you have a lot to learn. Ho my oh my INDEED you DO! Take a look at this chart:


Goddammit I can't get this chart to center. I don't know any code. Let's see what these buttons do.

Nope just created a line. GREAT! Ok what about this horseshoe thing.


Oh special characters. NEAT! Uhhhhhh ok what about this fucking box button thing.

Page break ok. WOW! Ok fuck it. The graph is going to be aligned LEFT!!! Let's get back to this fucking mess.

Well, my boy, what did you get from the graph?

Cotangent sine wave 83829.288829, Old Craggglllgginsnsns.

Well, my boy, you're beginning to understand but not QUITE yet. You see, you got the answer technically right, but what you failed to answer is what I asked and that's what MATTERS. Ho my indeed it matters! It matters INDEEEEED!!!!

Ok Old Craaglgglins, but I don't understand.

Well, my boy, you do show promise but the key to life is to LISTEN not only to the question but also the answer to the question before the question is answered or before it's asked. The bigger picture is the picture that we paint with our understanding, do you see?

I do, Old Cragglllglinnnsnss! I really do!!!

Well, my boy, then answer me this: is it 7 or is it 7?

Old Craglsllins, I think the answer is 9292.222.

Well, my boy, you're getting it! You really are!!!! Ho now where is my pipe. MY PIPE, BOY!!!

Old Cragglinnss it's right here on the table.

Well, my boy, these ol' eyes of mine don't work so good. My bones ache with a thousand aches and my tummy rumbles with a thousand earthquakes. The gods are beckoning me to return home but I say "ho now! Not just yet! Let a man reflect on a life lived. Let a man smell the bed which he has laid in his whole life. Let a man breathe deep the stench that wafts to and fro amongst the lilies and pines!" And they calm their call and wait for another time to cast their line.

Neat, Old Craaaalgglglgllglglgllglglglglgllglglgglgllgns!!!!!

Well, my boy, we need to be on with it! Now, can you solve this equation?


That's easy. That's ^73773, Old Craagglglgins!

Well, my boy, you're right! However, you're WRONG. You've forgotten what I told you. You have to listen BEFORE you listen. That's the key. It's ok, my boy. It's perhaps beyond you at this point. Ho my yes hmmmmm indeed I think it is! You see, it's not meant to be answered OR asked. It's a question asked but not asked when you listen closely to it and yet listen from a distance to it and don't. Do you understand?

I think so, Old Cragglinnnnnnnnsnsnnssnssss.

Well, my boy, that's where you're wrong. You can't understand because to admit understanding is to admit misunderstanding. When a tree grows, it has no answer. It simply grows up and up and up towards the heavens. You ask it a question and it merely grows. Indeed it grows. Ho my yes INDEED it does! You chop the tree down and what then? It's chopped down and no longer grows. And yet, if you ask it a question now, it is simply there with no answer. Do you understand this?

Yes, I do Old Ccccrcrragglisnssnsnnsnsllslnslnsnlgnls.

Well, my boy, that's why we have a predicament here. I asked you a question and you answered yet the answer isn't what I asked nor was it a question. It simply was. GO CLEAN THE BATHTUB!!!!! CLEEEAAANN THE BATHTUBBBBBB.........TTTTTUUUUBB!!!! TUBBBBS.

Old Cragglins, the bathtub is already clean!

Well, my boy, you see, that's why the grasshopper hops and the squirrel gathers acorns and the spider spins webs. The balance of nature is a mighty beautiful thing, my boy, and we all have a small part in it. Our part is only a small part of a whole and the whole is bigger than even the whole itself! It's a curious thing. Very curious. Do you see what I mean?

Why yes I do Ooooooollllddd Cragllglgins. I really do!

Well, my boy, you seem to understand a lot of things. That's what becoming a man is all about. You're not quite there yet. INDEEEED, not quite there at all I'm afraid. You got a lot of learnin' ahead of you, indeed. INDEED!!! You have to learn about what it MEANS to LIVE and what I mean by that is exactly as it sounds. The sounds of the forest. The sounds of the heart. The sounds of fear and BRAVERY. You see, my boy, you can't be a man without bravery.

That's interesting, Oollllldddd Cragglglinnns!

Well, my boy, interesting is an understatement. We all have an interest in interesting things but what we need to do is look CLOSER than that. Ho my oh yes hmmmmmm indeed we do! A closer look is quite often overlooked! If we thrust ourselves into the forest and march our way to the top of the mountain, we say "I have conquered this mountain!" But what of it? What have we missed along the way? Why, the very essence of it, my boy! The toad hopping to the rhythm of the wind. The snail inching along to the music of the sun. The elk calling "hreeeeee hreeeeeeeeee hreeeee!!!!!" to the promise of nature's milky breast. You have missed it. You have missed them all. And yet you have missed none of it for it is everything and nothing. Don't you see! Ho boy oh boy oh boy oh my and you wonder why your answers are WRONG!!!!

I'm beginning to see, Old Cragggggglglgllglgglins. Truly I am!

Well, my boy, I sure hope so. Ho my oh my these bones of mine are weary. Weary to the bones! Ho my indeed they are! INDEED THEY ARE! My eyes are becoming heavy with the heaviness of an ancient boulder. My body grows cold like the peak of a lone mountain jutting sharply from the earth below. Ho my oh boy hmmmmmm indeed it does. It does!!! Go fetch me a hot tea, my boy. And clean THAT BATTTTHHHTUB CLEAN THE BATHHTHTHTHTHTTUUBUUBBB!!!!! BTHTHHTTTHTTUBUUBUBU TUB TUB TUBUUBUBU TUB BATHHHHHH TUB IOWJEOJEFIOIOW ij2898j328f3j 89ajfa2







Ooooook now. Whew wow. Ok getting back into the swing of things here. Yep. We hope you've enjoyed these additions to the website. We've worked hard to improve your experience. Any questions or comments you have are greatly appreciated and can be directed to our website or online on our website. To improve your chances of a reply, please include your social security number and "Form 1040-ES" on your check. Third quarter payment is due by September 15th. 

