203 words
What comes next in the series? 94% of people will get this wrong!!!
1 = 2
2 = 3
3 = 5
5 = 35909
539009 = 9530jhhjjhjjj
53 = h53990539j530j99j3h59j390j35
30290909029090 = 8
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Star Wars Episode 7 was okay but = I thought it could have used more ip92p98rjp29(())()()(0 09490 8j3p8jr29p8
Yeah yeah just went down there to grab a drink = and she told me the deal had already been done. FUCK!
oi8238998 = 6
2998 = 23
God doesn't exist = it's irrefutably proven by scientific FACTS!!!! When will these SHEEPLE wake up?! Fuck I'm so much smarter than all these fucking morons. I studied at Harmnan University and got a 8229.23 GPA and founded OIWFEJOIJEF.
foiwappoifjo = fi9j9fj293j9j
Hahahaha yeah good one, Bob = Why were you with Jill last night?
w899839898399 = 32oi3
----------------------------------- = -----------------------------
No onions please = yeah and some dressing on the side too.
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892h8982fhh = 2389
GUYS congress just passed the Corporations and Lobbyists Act of 3r239898rCcccc making all of it your worst dreams come true = share this post and make a difference!!!!!
REerueirjherkj = rwjirjijaljkr
1.1 = ?