A blog that blogs

COOL OK THEN | A blog that blogs
Getting Your Life Back on Track
November 16 2019

1019 words


No idea where this is gonna go here but I need to type something because that's how this fucking works. Need to make this site relevant. Keep creating. Get the typer typing away here. Need to just keep on moving. Keep on trucking along. Alright here we go. Now I can make something of that. Trucking along. Get your life back on track and truck right along. I like that. Tips to help you get your life back on track! Alright gonna put that in the title. That's a good enough fucking topic I guess. Let's see where this shit takes us because it's a goddamn mystery to me. Cool. Ok then.

Alright let's see how you can get your life in motion, get you off that damn couch where you've been binging some stupid fucking show or playing some meaningless fucking game that keeps you in a hypnotic juvenille state shut out from the depth of life and your own feelings. Let's give your life meaning again. Ok.

First thing's first, ask yourself how you got here. Was it some event? Did you lose your job? Did your partner break up with you? Yeah that shit happens but you gotta keep trucking along or else those dark thoughts are going to creep in and destroy your momentum. How do you do that? Let's see.

Ok that was a lot to take in. Let's take a break here. I recommend relaxing and watching The Chronicles of Chronicles: Night's End. It's a gritty fantasy that takes you to the underworld of the Gargnaners, a toiling race of people who take great pride in unearthing the treasures of the deep. But in their digging they uncover an evil and unleash it upon the world. The Gargnaners are in great peril but one man takes the helm and rises up to the evil. Does he have what it takes to lead his people to victory? It's a compelling story and I'm sure you'll be surprised at the ending. I was!

Next, we need to get you interested in some activities outside the home, something to get you motivated and socializing again. I'd recommend getting online and finding something you like maybe.

Now that we have that covered, give yourself a break! You've earned it. I'd suggest The Adventures of Marlanan. It's an adventure fantasy about a young woman, Marlanan, who lives in the small town of Eagle's Town. Her people have tamed and ridden giant eagles all their lives and take great pride in it. However, one day they awaken a terribly evil eagle and unleash it upon the world. Their people are in danger. It is up to Marlanan to rise up and defeat the evil. Can she do it? The first and second season have an amazing story arc. Gets a little slow in season three but picks back up in seasons four and five. Season six starts next week. I recommend you get caught up asap! Not to be missed! 

Alright good break. Next we need to get you focused on finding a job again.

BUT FIRST! I'd recommend checking out Water Warriors. It's a fantasy drama about a race of fish people who live deep in the sea and take great pride in their fish abilities. They're a proud bunch they are and they'll let you know it! They're known for scouring the sea for the mightiest warriors to join their people but one day they awaken and unleash a great evil upon the world in their search. This evil is evil. Really fucking evil. But the Water Warriors are good! They're inherently good because that's how it works. Ok so now they have to fucking battle this fucking thing and holy fuck are the battles awesome! Seriously check this one out. Might be one of my favorites of them.

Next you have to do it to be that.

Ok now that we've got that covered let's go over the top three fantasy sci fi films of the year. Mine are:

1. Space Warriors of the Glagnean

2. Undercurrent: A Space Story

3. Fighters of the Galaxxyxyyxy: Space Fights

What I like about these is that they all awio 98a p9a82 g98ya29g9 ag



u2ag89a82g98ha2g8gh98ahg     OK FUCK WE GET IT         apwhga928hg98ha29h9phago g gaoigao2ih h JESUS FUCK there's SO MUCH FUCKING SHIT OUT THERE ooa2 j98pj 98agg98a8gp 9ag898hga98h98hg WHO CARES


WHY????       WHY???

 I dunno man I never really thought about it I just like the movies and games and so I play them   yap89yp982ytp98y p9tap 98ta9t2yta            2y9t89a 


a t2

 t2a ioa2tia2hta2th OK I DON'T CARE ANYMORE i really don't care awo 89284gh8 9gh89 hg        gonna let this one go finally because it's really not good for my mental health       p9a28

      9898a928y982agy 98hy8a9


gapop2gh ag i mean what's worse, you watching this shit and getting absorbed in it entirely and letting it eat your life and personal development away? OR me criticizing you and getting upset over it?????? hahhaaah alright man this is what's called digging deep. glad i've developed the skills of self awareness here. learning lots. yep ok. letting this go finally. i have a life to live. it's pointless for me to criticize your life and how you live it. taking a zen approach here. enjoy your games. i mean that. i really do! maybe one day we'll have something to talk about besides quests and heroes. i think i'll take a rain check on that dinner. let's hang out another time. talk soon.

ahap2hp28h 98h298g89a9 8y i like it when the explosion exploded and the heroes had to ao2t8hat p98hat     9889a2ht89ht98 tah8 

afp p

