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Camping trip in the works
May 7 2018

646 words


Hey guys, I'd like to get everyone together for another camping trip. As you know, you love camping. So before the summer gets/gets/got/is getting/was getting/has begotten/woebegotten/gets/gets/uhhhhh gets/ok so uhhh it's gets!/gets away from us let's get another trip organized! I really want to get this going. I need everyone to contribute with thoughtful, meaningful ideas that betters the group both as a group and as a group.

One of the things that's so great about camping is you get away from it all. It's nice. Now we can focus on the important stuff, like getting out there and connecting with the nature of the world. It's really important that we do that so let's do what we do. It's just what we do.

So I was thinking I would handle securing the campground. I can also get the firewood.

Logs? Yep I'll get those too.

What about the wood? That's me.

I also want to get the wood we burn for the fire.

Sometimes wood is needed and this is one of those times.

Who's going to be chopping the wood? Me.

Finding it? Also me.

We'll head down to the wood store so I can buy it there. I'm in charge. Do we have any dissenters? Hey Micheerl, can you beat it? I don't appreciate you not beating it. Thanks! 

It's list time:

  1. Camping
  2. Gamping 
  3. Cramping
  4. A major development in the industrialization of the pre-industrial Industrial Era was the advent of industry. Industry was a major factor in the development of industry (Damerber, pp 22-215). 
  5. Camping
  6. Gfe8
  7. The dark lord severed all connections with members of the council and violated the precepts. This was a problem (Demermerber, pp 22-226).

All right, any questions? I'll take questions. Looking for some questions.

Would reeeeally appreciate filling the Q&A period with a question or two haha.

Still on the hunt for a question. Any question will do honestly.

Please ask me questions.

JERMER! Thanks. What's your question? Yes? Can you speak up? Can't hear the question.

Still can't hear it! Hold on let me turn up the volume on YOUR VOICE. Haha just a little joke about not hearing you. Ok so try again.

Nope. Can't hear it. Can't fucking hear this shitty question.

Hey Jermer, quick request: TALK LOUDER. Can't hear this. Just plain old can't hear a fucking thing. Is this guy even talking? Am I seeing a man move his mouth for no reason? Maybe he's just wasting all our time is that what he's doing? Seeing some heads nod in agreement here so what's going on Jermer, you got a fucking question for me or we just filling time? Haha I'm just playing. Just kidding with ya, buddy.

Just joshin' ya is what I'm doing. Just playing a lil' game of what the fuck is your question asshole???? Yeah just lean forward into that SM-382C microphone. See that thing? See that expensive piece of equipment? It's called a mic. Got it for a buck down at the microphone store, Mike's Mics, on Miekkerkerkekr Avenue on 1st Street near 35th Street right on the 3958st St Bridge. Ask for Mike. He's the guy that looks like him. Great deals on great mics! One time I bought a mic and this is that mic! This is that! It's that! It's this! What's this? THIS! That's what. So then ok cool well then therefore use it! This is for it. Hey Jermer, yeah you what's that question?

Let's play a game. It's called What's That Fucking Question       !!!!!                 !?

Last night I went down to the camping store and picked up the things.

