Drove around today, didn't feel good

COOL OK THEN | Drove around today, didn't feel good
Exciting Announcement From The Company!
April 5 2017

734 words


Wow!  What can we say?  It's been a whirlwind of a year here at the company.  So many wonderful things happening.  We were all in a meeting last week talking about it and we thought that what better way to get it out there than to share it with all of you here!


Firstly, we'd like to thank everyone involved.  We couldn't have done this without you.  The places we've gone and the people we've met have been unforgettable.  We feel truly blessed to know all of you and we look forward to continuing our work together in future.


Secondly, we'd like to extend a warm welcome to our new partners.  They've been instrumental in getting this off the ground.  Whether we needed more of it or less of that, they've been there for us through thick and thin.  We couldn't have asked for a better partnership.


Now, let's get down to it.  We're excited to announce many new things coming up.  We've been working diligently on them and are pumped to share them with you.  These things have been in the development process for a long time and we just know that you're going to love them.  We love them too!


Let's take a look at this in depth.  These new features will revolutionize the industry in so many ways.  Right now the industry is stagnate at 23% but with our new product that's all going to change.  Based on poll numbers 85% went up after this compared to 8.43% from previous measurements.  Staggering to say the least.


Furthermore, we sent it out to a number of firms asking them to test it for us.  The results were more than positive.  64% said they felt a big improvement.  9253% said they loved it so much that they requested three of them.  And 8928bb28b2894bbbbb666% demanded we get it on the market in the next 3 months!  Pretty promising if you ask us.


Now we know many of you expressed concern about what happened in February.  It fell by a margin of 7 leaving half of those in while nearly a quarter went the other way.  However, this concern is negligible.  When you look at recent data the numbers actually jumped from 82 to 89292.  Small but not insignificant.  And if you consider the $8928898832.898vvvvv invested at that time we think that puts us in a pretty good position to capture the 93 million of them left.


Also, a lot of you are wondering about the announcement we made back on October 8238932nd.  Will we continue with this trend?  How has it developed since?  Will it still include all of that?  Will there be more?  Has there been others that haven't but will?  Can you?  Will it have that?  Why will it when it hasn't?  Where will it be if not there?  Can it continue?  Can that have it?  Can it have it?  Can it have that?  Can it?  Can that?  Will there be more when it isn't on there but when it has to?  We're happy to say that yes it's true!


Now we'd like to take a moment to share a few photos from the project.  Nobody has seen these until now so it's sure to catch some buzz.  Our team has been working diligently on this project for such a long time and we're all so excited to finally share some behind-the-scenes photos.


Here we are in development. Early drafts.



After seven months of nonstop work things are finally starting to come together.



Last steps of internal testing before we roll out for external testing



Final product! The results are in.  It's a winner!


We hope you're all as excited as we are about this.  The projected earnings are nearly double of what it was at the last time when it wasn't but it had been even though it is but can't when that is it then too.  We would again like to thank everyone for their hard work and support through this rigorous but necessary process.  As you can see, the results don't lie.  We have a winner on our hands and we're so excited to share it with the world!

