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Brief Interviews With Park Residents
September 7 2019

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Hello and welcome to our only edition of This Is Our Park: A Series. In this episode, we’ll be conducting a couple interviews with people in the park!! Isn’t that fun? Haha we fucking hope so because we only have one shot at this and fuck if we’re going to waste it so here we go.

Why’s that car honking at me? Keep driving. Yeah keep driving and keep driving.

Everything okay? Okay yes just a little snag with the charger cable and we’re back. Okay let’s bring up our first interview person. The person we’re interviewing. Just for a brief hello. Still charging? Yep still charging, stop checking it’s fine okay let’s turn the levels up and here we go.

Q: Hello!
A: Hi.

Q: Okay great. We’re getting a little feedback from the noise outside. Everything’s very intense right now. The music. Turn that music down. Okay that was easy. How do you feel about the state of this park?

A: Okay well [gestures broadly] I mean [gestures broadly]. Look at this [gestures broadly]. What’s not to love? We have this over there, that, the green one and the blue one AND a beautiful structure was commissioned by the Structure Commission last year in the year of our Lord.

Q: Thank you for your time Mr. Senssemblem. We have everything we need. Just sign here on the line that waives it all. Haha do you have to read it? No need. NO NEED good sir. Okay for fucks sake we have to change the music it’s just too much today. The gray clouds and the quiet park, this music is just too much. Okay it’s OFF.

We’re taking a brief break in the interview process to locate more potential interviews. It’s not easy. We need to scope out a good place and this requires location scouts. Okay how about that one? Whoaaaaa I don’t know man can we just back off for a bit I mean we just came down here to relax now we have to interview all these people? Where’d they come from?

Keep driving. Just keep driving. I got this spot fair and square. Nothing to see here.

We’d like to introduce Park Resident #2! We’re looking forward to this.

Q: Welcome to the interview, my son! It’s just an expression. Don’t worry.
A: Thanks.

Q: So what brought you here to our lovely park today? Was it a bit of a desire to try something a little different on a weekend where you had fuck all going on and you just wanted to try it? Had a clean house and stocked fridge and car cleaned out and you just wanted to try something new? What’d you want to try? Specifically what was it? What was your intention coming to the park today?

A: Well I do have to say this choice of music is quite better. Earlier it was just too many horns. Fortisisismso horns stacked like that in the front of the piece. I mean I’m sure it made sense for the piece but at this moment in time, you have to understand, this park is sensitive. We have a sensitive park here.

Q: Oh we can relate all too well. Hey Markkisu when we get back to the studio let’s cut this section. It’s not working. Nothing here is working. I’m hot. Fuck I need to walk around. Let’s open a window. What window? The world is our window.

Next we have another park resident who just happened to come here to the park today for park-related activities. That girl is pretty. I don’t know. What’s wrong with people watching? Jesus fuck is it only 3:30? How much longer is this insanity going to go on? We have dogs barking and ducks clackin’ and more ducks a chucklin’. Feed your soul not the ducks.

Feed not the ducks for the ducks be not starved as like to your soul, so starved tho’ it be for the love and forgiveness it so desperately craves in pitiful yearning. The dark blackness is a little less black for the presence of your soul sucking the light unto itself.

Okay next is Park Resident #4! We have seen him at various points during the infinite loops we’ve been doing here at the park today and we just had to say hello. What’s your name, pal? Speak into the microphone please. This microphone. No. Nope. Nope THIS one labeled ‘microphone.’ Why are we doing this?

A: Hi, I’m Frralllllimmmer.

Q: Cool ok then. What brought you here to the park today on your random wanderings through the world? Fucking fuck I can’t get comfortable. There is this better? Can I see the screen now? Okay what are you doing here my young friend? Just out to see the world? What’s in the world? What’s in YOUR world, more specifically? What’s going on for you right now? In your head, what is happening? We’d like to record this information and we need it to be accurate.

A: Well that’s an interesting thought. I’ve been in this park for what seems like infinity. I mean I’m aware of a time before I was in this park. Keep going, skater. Fuck that’s an annoying noise. Why’d he have to roar right past me? Where’s the music? I didn’t hit pause. Hollllld on a minute let’s see what’s going on with the ol’ music WHOOPS just a quiet part haha! Forgot this is the largo movement. Gets very quiet at times. English horn solo above pianninisisisoo strings. Lovely English Horn solo, there it is echoed by the clarinet now. Yep but it’s English Horn primarily. Do we know what piece I’m talking about? What is the piece? Nice old romantic piece from the 1800s, late 1800s. Okay enough. ENOUGH!

Q: Thank you I think we have had quite enough. We need to move on. Let’s take a breath. Jesus god let’s take a fuCKING BREATH. Quick check in, everything okay? Okay still charging that’s good. Charger cable still doing its job. Got a little worried earlier, things were looking grim. Looking bleak. BLEAK AND GRIM. Two words that slip into the mind at times haha even during one’s best efforts to fortify against them. For what is beauty and splendor without their opposites? To what heights can we soar on angels’ wings without the abyss to plunge into? WILLY NILLY? What is the VERY POINT of soaring if there is no hole to fall into? For without a fathomless emptiness there is no reason to scry into the heights, past the towers where the sun comes. Only the light can cast a shadow. The brighter the light, the blacker the black. Balance. Okay great she texted me. All is good. Emojis. Use more emojis.

A: I see. Yes well very nice talking to you, I need to go.

Okay. Time to figure out how to tether my phone to get an internet conne fuck what’s your problem? You

