Cults: we all love them. We all need them. Is this a cult? It isn't. Or is it? Let's examine. Follow me this way please.

COOL OK THEN | Cults: we all love them. We all need them. Is this a cult? It isn't. Or is it? Let's examine. Follow me this way please.
Easy Programming Tutorial
April 2 2018

1219 words


One of the most useful tools in the programmer's toolkit lol is knowing how to upload an image to a remote server. Images are everywhere online these days and you may be wondering "how do I get over this creeping anxiety that life is a series of catastrophic social failures and instead of dealing with it in a heaaaaaeo alrighty so let's get you up and running quickly with our step-by-step tutorial! Images!!!! How do they work??? Hahha. We've done the hard work so you can get your stuff coded, deployed, visited, loved and read by the entire world! What does that mean? That means you need to fucking sit down and pay attention holy shit just chill out. This isn't this. Okay so today we'll be going over how to upload an image to the cloud computing service CloudServe, your easy solution for easy solutions!


Step 1:

Okay so you're going to want to select your picture. Any picture will be fine but we recommend seeleecodontnttnhghg


Step 2:

Next, enter your secret access key in the form field. Where is your secret access key? We don't know it's a FUCKING SECRET but that means you know! Keep it safe! Next, do that. Why? There. It's that on it.


Step 3

Supply your credentials in the following format: %F$F$FR$R$R$R. Log in. Log in to your site. Did you write any functions? You can do a couple of those. Just do this: 

def function = functionBaseClass(keyword arguments$%())d ok cool ok then(ffff


Paste that function inside the functions operator. Can you do that please? We'll wait for you here while you do that. Okay so when you do that you're going to want to do it quickly. There's a timeout evaluation mechanism that is enacted upon system reboot that enables all function operators. Hey did you ever call Nueeeeeeeeee?


A function operator. What is that? We need to determine what that is.

I have to talk to Alvernem about it because he wrote the fucking thing. He's got to be one of theeeee     aaaaaa3



Ok so paste the function operator up in it. Is it working? It works for us. Hmm wait hold on no. Forbidden? 403333 Error Forbidden? That doesn't make sense it was just working yesterday. Hold on I'm going troubleshoot this.


Step 5:

Not sure why this isn't working I just had this working yesterday and I copied the same fucking settings FUCK what am I wasting my god damn evening on this fFUCKICNNNN GGg


Step 6:

Sometimes programming is fun and other times it's really fun. One of the most rewarding feelings is solving a problem and getting things working on your own. That's why this tutorial is here. Fuck what's the fucking problem starting to think we could use a tutorial of our own haha okay so we're going to reset the repository here and start with a clean slate we call that the nuclear solution in programming world! But you the intrepid programmer know this don't you? You probably have done this countless times and it's old hat for you, it sure is for us it's really fun.


Step 7:

No I don't want to talk on the fucking phone I'm in the middle of this fucking piece of fjuFFUFF f programming problem. Why is it forbidden? Did I check the credentials? UHhhhhhh ya. All the access keys are the same soooo uhhhh.... any help here would be nice.


Step 8

Different people, same problems. When are you going to learn that hoooooooooookay save the Python file as and instantiate it inside the base class. When you import it from the class-based view (JDHHDFHGG) you'll see it plugs right in. Python is great like that because it's really user friendly and easy to read. Lots of indentation telling you where the conditionals need to line up. The great thing about Python is that you just can't get anything going no matter how much you try. Is it you? Is it this city? It must be you if the same thing keeps happening over and over with different people. Take Nimemia for example. She was nice. Why didn't you feel anything for her she was kind, genuine, honest and totally interested so what was the problem? Cool ok then let's try another one of these dating apps this one is really good trust me you'll be getting so many matches you won't even know why your credentials still aren't being validated by the CloudServe permissions manager. Did you copy the access key into the .env file? You should do that.


Step 9

Refresh the server and point it there. Not so hard now is it? By now your image should have been validated by CloudServe and you can link to it anywhere on the web! Just make sure you have the credentialslsslslsf











Step 10. 

If you are working with a UNIX-based system, update your model to include some information about it. For example, does it have any more available? I only say yes to projects that I know I'm going to have fun on. If I can tell the people think of it just as a job or are there for a paycheck, or I think it's not going to be an enjoyable process and it's going to be an absolute nightmare to get through, I say no. Money is irrelevant in all this. That's why when I had only 3 weeks to write 2.5 hours of music I said yes because I knew it would be a great time. Not just a job nooooo sirrreee I did it all myself no jobs here, just an enjoyable process. Ok so there is that. 


Step 11.

This step is optional.


Step 12.

This one is optional as well.


Step 13.

We're including these optional steps in case you feel like doing extra credit.


Step 14. 



Step 15.

This step is an optional one.


Step 16.

Probably don't need to do this one.


Step 18.

Skipped a step! Haha that's okay it was optional.


Step 19.

This optional step is required if you want.


Step 20.

Steps. How many are left? Only the optional ones.


Step 21.

Step 21 21 21 21. We just listed this step. What's next? The next

step of course!


Step 21.

Whoa it's the same step! Just kidding. Optional.


Step 22.

Now we're moving forward. Forward into the optionals.


Step 33. 

Skipped a lot of steps just now. All optional so don't worry about it.


Step 34.

Another one. We're in unexplored territory here.


Step 35. 



Step 36.

Okay so include this line at the top of your functions file:

BASE_DIR = lol os.pathOO.diPPPrnamTTTe(oIIIs.pOOathN.diArnamAAAe(oLsL.LpatHYh.abspath(__file__))) 


Step 37.


Step 38.

The previous step? Optional.


Step 39.

The previous step was also optional as well.


Step 40.



Step 41.

Step 40 remains that.


Step 42.

Follow step 42.


Step 34.

Some steps are out of order. Fix this later.


Step 43.



Step 44.



Step 35.




