Just another piece of shit

COOL OK THEN | Just another piece of shit
Dramatis Personae
April 14 2018

1002 words




Lexker: son of Keker and heir to the throne. A young man in his early 31s, he disregards his parents’ wishes for him to become heir to the throne even though he is the heir to that throne and instead prefers exploring the forests adjacent to Maxtrax Castle. The forests are forests. They contain them.

Princess Nuamer: just a girl.

General Moragrame: The chief guardian of Maxtrax Castle and commander of the Elite Guard, he is a surly burly man who has no time for fucking GAMES. He’s got thick skin. So much skin. Yep a lot of skin and more skin than he knows how to flay off in his bedroom at night at 3 in the morning when the White Wolves prowl the perimeters. He hates the wolves but acknowledges their utility. That’s why he.

Dree: Lexker’s cousin. Just a girl without much going on.

Old Man Carmemrer: Castle Maxtrax’s resident wizard!!!!! ! ! ! !! He is often seen being Old Man Carmermer and keeps everyone up at night performing loud angry experiments in the northwest tower in Castle Maxtrax. He has a checkered history loaded with betrayals and historical atrocities that he tries to keep hidden but fails because he just heads on down to the Rararararar Tavern to brag about how god damn awesome he was in his youth when he and Captain Maverick traveled the world. Stories: we want to hear them. We won’t though, this is just the DRAMATIS PERSONAE.

BLOM BLOMGRIN: Surly old Blom is the innkeeper at the RAraraararar Tavern. He runs a tight ship and has no time for fools who patronize his establishment. He built the Rarraraarar Tavern with his own two slaves. He has a brother not named Blom but that’s okay because Blom is a blommy kinda guy. He has friends, yep big friends in high places, and never mentions them, instead letting Old Man Carmermermer run his mouth from behind jars of his famous meade. More on this later.

Glen Blomgrin: Blom’s brother and co-owner of the RARararar Tavern. He and Blom had many adventures in a previous life and that’s just fine, no judgment here. I’m not judging. It’s great that you had a little fun. Didn’t hurt nobody, did they? Yes they did. They hurt A LOT of people. They put that past in the past when they made the acquaintance of Lexker, son of Keker. They like the boy alright but they both acknowledge he’s got some issues. Just a couple issues here and there. It’s okay. But is it? Actually no. See Appendix 4.

Heemee: just another girl.

Lil’ Babbiger: Maxtrax Castle’s resident person. He’s pretty cool I dunno. Look for him in the alleys scraping the stones. Ask him about the time he went off the edge of the map! HOOOOOoo boy he’ll talk your ear off about that one haha. Lil’ Babbiger’s got what it takes. Refer to Section 8.


Captain Maverick: A devil-may-care devil who rules the Wastes of the West. Former friend of Old Man Caranaaratarer!!! Nobody knows his real name but some speculate it was HDUFGUDIVB or perhaps Ha’hd’k’m$’qw’er’rf? It’s not clear. He’s a villain. He’s bad. He’s a bad guy. Is he bad? Ummmm yes. The available evidence has come in and we have our verdict. It’s a verdict. The jury has reached it and they decided yes the plaintiff was at fault for all charges as acquitted in the case of Mroer vs Mroerer. Your Honor we have questions. Plaintiff is ordered to pay restitution in the amount of 6. Bailiff ARREST THIS MAN.

Queen Nit: just a girl

Gremlor: Captain Maverick’s head chieftain. Younger brother of LEXKER didn’t see that one coming did you? Fuck no you didn’t. That’s life. Brother against brother. Thing is sometimes life doesn’t work out. It doesn’t always go well between brothers and they disagree on the fundamental issues. Can’t agree? Get outta here. Just get out. Gremlor was cast out of the family for having different opinions and also killing his sister Cimiler. He fled to the Wastes of the West and joined Captain Maverick.


Cimiler: dead.

Cimiler: dead.

Cimiler: she died

CiMmmimmiler: welp she’s dead deaddddd.

Cimiler: dead.Cimmmmiler: dead.Cimiler: dead.Ccccmmemermiler: dead.Cimiler: dead.Cimiler: dead.Cieeeemiler: dead.Cimiler: dead.

Cimilmmer: dead yep killed by Gremlor

Cimileeeer: dead.

Cimilerr: dead.Cimiler: deaerd.Cimiler: dead.Cimiler: dead.

Cimilsfer: dead.Cimiler: dead.

Cimiler: dead.

everyone died

Cimiler: dead.Cimiler: dead.

Cimiler: dead.




Old Man Carmermermeermer and Captain Maverick were once allies in the Great War of That when tragedy struck. Without warning, that was that. Twenty years passed, known hereafter as the Twenty Years Of. The young boy Lexker was taken from his home amidst the ravages of war and installed as the heir of it.

Gremlor was Lexker’s younger brother and always resented it. That’s Younger Brother Syndrome and everyone has it. For years he toiled away mucking the stables like a stableboy which he was because that’s what he wanted to do with his life. His parents didn’t mind and nobody minded, except for Lexker who did. They had a sister, Cimilier. Before long, the Great War reached their shores. Maxtrax Castle was the last bastion of defense against the fires of hell.

Old Man Carmeremr and Captain Maverick hatched a plan. The plan was to do it. Legend has it Captain Maverick said “great plan,” so they moved forward.

But there was a betrayal. THyEy WerRe Al OF them dEciieved!!!!!!! FOR ANOTHER RING WAS MADEEEE.

DESTROY iT! screamed Old Man Carmermear.


That was the end of the Great War of That, but it was not to be. The War returned, this time propelled forward by Captain Maverick himself. Old Man Carmeer sought refuge in Maxtrax Castle, enlisting the reluctant aid of Blom and Glen Blomgrin. This is where our story begins.

