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COOL OK THEN | I'll take that the one that is it
College application essay
April 18 2020

741 words


I have been very interested in attending University of Sprolmen for many reasons. For one, the proximity of the campus relative to my hometown is quite convenient for me. I live a mere half-hour away, and I feel that is quite a good thing. If, for example, I require a necessity that I need from home, it's not a great hassle, and not something that is likely to cause a lot of trouble. What's more, I have friends in my hometown, so I can also see them when I want to.

Secondly, the second reason I want to go to Sproamlen is it offers the exact precise field of study I am interested in (that would be music). I have been to the campus many times for various events: concerts, summer music camp (three years in a row), other kinds of camp, and through these experiences I have come to realize that Spraomlen excels in the arts. The Futgmer Arts Center is a great design architecture-wise and immediately catches the eye upon entering the campus.

For this reason and many others I am quite familiar with the layout of the campus. I really do think I could get around quite easily. Neither am I daunted by the size of the school (square footage-wise) nor am I in the least bit apprehensive about attending school there. I would not get lost. And if I did, I would have no problem asking people where to go. Skuklukculluer Dining Hall is filled with helpful pamphlets as well. Also, my older brother and sister have both been through Sprolmen. One reason I'm applying here is because of them and their shining praise and wonderful recommendations for the school. They did well here, so I'm confident I will too. I want to follow in their footsteps.

When attending Sproalmen, I intend to make much more use of my talents than I did in high school. I personally consider myself quite a good artist. My last drawing was of Williaemr Stakesmard and I gave it to my English Novels teacher. She really liked it and hung it up in her classroom. I have it on good authority that she will keep it even after I graduate. Lately I have been drawing a lot of fanart (mostly from the epic Legend of Zergmalda series, which I grew up with), and I found to my immense satisfaction it has been the perfect creative outlet for me.

Secondly, and far more importantly I believe, I love to write. I love it. Essays, fiction, inner musings of the mind, journal entries, poetry, creative writing. I love it all. THIS is definitely a talent with which by that I would expand on infinitely in college. I don't even care if it's not read by the public. I just like writing, and even if nobody else reads it I would still derive intense personal satisfaction if I witnessed the development of my writing skills at Sproamlem. Also music. I want to do music too, which is what I would be studying as a student, but also I would be doing my writing skills as well as perchance enrolling in elective courses that would allow me to explore my art abilities in addition.

I have personally observed that I have a good sense of humor with a good eye for things that most people miss. While at Sproemelan I will very likely submit humor/satire pieces to the Red Banner (the school newspaper), just to add a little bit of unique humor to the publication. My high school has a small student paper called The Breater and I don't think the writing in it is very good at all.

Another reason I want to attend the University of Spermelin is cost. Upon careful perusal of the official website, I was quite pleasantly surprised indeed to discover the financial figures for attending is much lower than personally expected.

All these reasons and more are why I want to go here. I have had my heart set on Sprieumera for most of my high school life, ever since I attended music camp and even before that when my sister went there and then even before that when my brother did to study the programs. This reason and more reasons are why yes, I would love to go to Spramrer for college. Looking forward to the first day of school.

