Ok Then Cool

COOL OK THEN | Ok Then Cool
Case Solved
February 10 2018

893 words


Today we've finally solved the case. The evidence had been mounting for days and now we have all the evidence at hand. To begin, we first noticed that the evidence wasn't enough and we needed more so what we did is gather more evidence. The evidence began to suggest that the case would be solved soon and we were right. Today the case has been solved. However, going back a few days the case wasn't solved and that lead to a team of professionals gathering the evidence we needed to solve the case. Let's first examine the evidence.


  1. We gathered the evidence.
  2. We didn't have enough.
  3. Two were missing so we had to search them.
  4. The evidence began to suggest there was more evidence.
  5. We gathered more evidence.
  6. The evidence still wasn't enough.
  7. Three days in and the evidence had been gathered.
  8. Four days in we didn't have all the evidence.
  9. Five days in the case is solved.


Through this examination we begin to see patterns arise. The evidence gathered coupled with the fact that more evidence arrived suggests that we didn't need it all at once. However, that was rebutted by previous professional examination. Furthermore, continuing on. We see that because of these institutions that were set in place long before the evidence came about the correlation of the the two was insufficient considering the common factors involved. Furthermore, it was. When we see this we also see signs that the entertainment sector is going to improve vastly. Right now the streaming services are putting out a sizable amount of content but there could be more and better entertainment on the horizon. I for one am excited for this. I trust these companies to come up with good quality entertainment as they have been doing. Imagine if we gave them more freedom to offer great services. That would benefit the consumer AND the content they provide would only get better. We're living in an era where constant innovation is in full swing and I don't want to hinder that process in any way. I've also heard about services where they want to collect information about you all the time (what you buy, when you buy it, what you watch, when you watch it, how much you're willing to spend, what products you're drawn to) which I for one support. I'm sick of seeing ads that don't resonate with me. I'm happy giving away my information in exchange for tailored advertising for products I want and tv shows I'd enjoy. Honestly, it only makes the products better because they now know what sorts of things to create based on my tastes. It's like I'm a part of the creative process now and I like that feeling. I like feeling like I'm invested in these products in some way. I think it's cool that companies are reaching out to consumers like that. They care. They're really interested in our lives and what makes us happy and I don't know how anyone could see it any other way. Ok so think about your favorite show ever. Remember when it ended and you were fucking bummed? It's like what are you going to watch next? Now imagine if companies knew how much you loved that show. Imagine if they could track that you bought all the episodes of the show and a bunch of cool swag from the show like cups and tshirts or whatever. They'd really know how much that show meant to you and honestly if they knew that I think lots of things could happen. Maybe the show would go on for another season or maybe they'd do a spinoff or maybe they'd create a whole universe based on that show. Imagine all the cool stories that could be told within the world of your favorite show! I mean this is just a hypothetical but seriously I don't think it's that far off. This is the future. We need to let this happen. Another example, imagine if you could let these streaming services and companies gather information on EVERYTHING you do. Posts you like online, email conversations, bank account info, all of it. They'd be able to offer you EXACTLY what you want at the price they know you can afford. It'd be super tailored to YOU and YOU alone. And now imagine if they could also gather all the private conversations you've had using the microphone on your phone and develop an AI to analyze your conversations. Then that'd be tied to your online account and they'd be able to offer solutions to your problems. Had a fight with your significant other? Here's some great therapists. Feeling lonely? Here's some good prescription medication to combat depression. Thinking about suicide? Nope, don't worry, the authorities will be there to stop you from making any stupid mistakes. Again, this is hypothetical and may never happen but imagine the possibilities. All of this is only going to benefit our lives and I really don't think we should hinder the progress these companies are trying to make for our benefit. Alright, it's been good catching up. I gotta get home. The new season of my favorite show is now available on streaming. Gonna binge the whole thing. Wish they were tracking my online activity so they'd know how much I love it!

