An open dialogue for those suffering from it and those

COOL OK THEN | An open dialogue for those suffering from it and those
Brem Jorbner: A Poet’s Life
April 8 2021

906 words


The poetry world that exists today could not exist in the fashion that it currently exists without the influential works of Brem Jorbner who had the foresight to challenge the poetry world by challenging it in challenging ways by breaking the traditions of the poetry world and challenging those traditions that he challenged using insurmountable challenges one challenge at a time by challenging the establishment with his groundbreaking yet revolutionary poetry that both broke ground and revolutionized the poetry world through his groundbreaking and revolutionary poetry that which the poetry world had never seen and has yet to see again because let’s face it art has reached its apex and there’s really nowhere else to go from here so we have all these fucking art students just trying bullshit to try SOMETHING and it all falls short and whooo boy that’s what’s going on in today’s world so let’s just ignore that fucking mess and get back to Brem Jorbner and his biography because that’s comfortable and we know it and know that it was good because fuck man we’re talking about it RIGHT NOW. Let’s get on with this. Ok.

Cool ok then. BREEEMMMM JORBNNNEERRRR! That’s our guy! That’s what’s going on. Ok.

Brem first broke the poetry world, nay, FUCKING SHATTERED it with this now-all-too-well-known-poem-that continues to be a poem to this day:

Glreeeeelree on the morning lilies

The fairest maid shoots the swallows

Down, down they go

Breakfast served, two for thee

None for thee

Three makes a pence

Dance yeeeeeeee merry way


Brem really took it there with this poem, utterly annihilating the establishment through a hidden prose that is no longer hidden nor was it hidden then. An uprising occurred and the government went from tyranny to deeper tyranny thus forcing Brem into hiding. But that did not shut him up. No it did not. Brem wrote and wrote and wrote and then he eyed his four-year-old child with a suspicion beyond all suspicion and that child wasn’t seen again for many a year until he turned up a man near Pereerensville on the outskirts of Peererernersville selling tar for tar machines which helped make more tar for tar machines. But in any case Brem wrote this poem about losing his son:

Little lad, little lad

The butter didn’t churn

And the fire, it burns!

And the trees they grurn

And the sun it jruurns

Ok. Neat.

Brem didn’t like this poem. I don’t either. But some fucking scholar was like, “yeah this was the turning point.” And so now we study this shit and call it art and art it shall be as it shall not be questioned as art is unquestionable as the day is long and the long is longer and the longer is shorter on Tuesday but not yesterday because yesterday wasn’t yesterday nor was it Tuesday and that’s the truth of it my lad and that it is oh yeessss oh yesss it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






And just like that we’re back to it. Ok so Brem wrote some more poems and they were good. Let’s read one:

I pick a cherry

A cherry is me?

But once I pick three?

No more cherries there be!!!!!!!!!!!!

This poem is about cherries and so it is that. Moving on. Brem Jorbner lived more years and that was common in those days to live years at a time. Years passed and passed and Brem wrote and wrote. His writing had so much influence that it caused a SECOND revolution and the government once again slid deeper into tyranny yet it was not in tyranny any longer since everything is cyclical and once you go too far in one direction you’re actually back out the other side on the other side of it doing something else and thus this proved Brem’s Law of Cycyclcllcicallity of Furthest Proportions of Proportionality of It and flung him into being a world renowned person for it. Many cheered and others cheered as well leaving a few to cheer louder to fight back the cheers of others thus creating the extremely violent and often deadly Cheeeeeer Tournament of Daaays’ Past and now we have that as tradition. Interesting how those things work out like that. Ok. Back to the POETRY.

Having achieved so much, Brem wrote one last poem to end it all on a BANG and whooooo boy what a bang it was. Just when you thought he couldn’t break down barriers anymore he let loose with this fucking thing:

I don’t hesitate

But who hesitates?

Why it is you!

The one who reads but does not think

That is why we must be of it

For is it not it?

And so….?



Ok man.

Thanks. I already have one. Yeah yeah just pour another. I’ll probably drink it.

And THAT is the biography of Brem Jorbner!!!!!! Now you know. So when you read poetry don’t read it with the same ignorance that you had moments ago before reading this. Remember Brem Jorbner and all that he stood for. He taught us that to stand for something you have to stand for everything and that’s how we ended up here. Who? Well, that is for another time. Another time forever and a day. Ok.


Mr Ok April 28, 2021, 11:58 a.m.
I've been thinking a lot about this. I'm not sure what to think about now. Can you publish an article about what to think about? I think that would help.
