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A Pop Culture Retrospective
July 7 2019

854 words


Pop culture is important. It’s popular. It’s culture. It’s important. The aim of this essay is to dive deep into the history of popular culture and its relevance to the world and your life. Some might say in these depressing times we need pop culture more than ever to help us forget, help us escape, and remind us that heroes still exist. ENTERTAINMENT BRINGS JOY.

Pop culture was invented back in 8 to appeal to our primordial storytelling needs. All humans throughout history are linked through a shared love of stories, telling stories, and listening to stories. In tribal societies, storytellers were among the most revered members of those tribal societies. Tribal societies depended on the tribal society for their stories. In a sense, their culture was dictated by what was popular at the time. Hence, popular culture! POP CULTURE> POPOPP PEPEP UPULAR CLUTULRE

What I think is pretty cool about pop culture is that it’s everywhere and for everyone. You can find just about anything nowadays! It’s the universal language. You can’t escape it! All you have to do is log on to the internet with your account and start with the basics. Everyone is familiar with the major franchises. You should watch all of those a few times so you can get up to speed with the references and funny memes on the internet. Memes are an efficient and clever way of communicating these days. Basically what you do is you take a screencap of a movie and then add text to the top of the screencap that’s about some hum-drum everyday situation. The screencap of the movie then acts as tongue-in-cheek context for your situation. It’s really funny! It merges fantasy and reality to the point where you really only have to communicate via quotes that were written in a room of stressed out writers who didn’t give much thought to what they were writing and just had to turn something in. Keep making memes. Do this over and over. Keep doing it. Then keep doing it. Once you’ve got that done you should do more. You can start your own social media accounts for each franchise and get likes and shares. Keep doing that. A huge part of big movies now is to find as many “memeable” moments as you can. It’s yours to take. If you post someone else’s meme on your social media account, just make sure you credit the original meme creator. Credit is important.

Many of the huge franchises these days are dark and mature. They’re for mature audiences because they’re dark and tackle adult themes such as depression, social justice, and huge battles in the sky with your massive army shooting out of infinite portals every which way as they fire off their destructive laser missiles into the opposing forces that threaten everyone’s existence while ground forces grapple with complicated war tactics and it’s just an absolute bloodbath!! Pop culture should be dark and gritty for mature audiences. This stuff is not for kids anymore. You can tell because these movies have graphic violence with blood blowing out of every hole and have lengthy, extended scenes where the villains are murdering everyone in cold blood and the camera lingers because it’s realistic now. The good guys lose sometimes because that’s real life. Pop culture has to be realistic. IT BRINGS US JOY. This stuff is for adults. Adults are really into brutal violence. That is the sign of maturity, when you watch a massacre on the big screen and feel like it could really happen. It’s so awesome. JOY.

The violence in these tv shows is so cool. It normalizes the trauma of seeing people killed in front of your very face and it programs you to expect it in the future. It cranks the dial to further and further extremes and conditions you to accept it without much thought to the psychological consequences of satisfying this pornographic urge to consume death and destruction every time you tune in. Pop culture makes us happy. It’s awesome!! Looking forward to the next season, can’t wait to see the showdown between Murxje and Poeur.

We grew up with these franchises and they’re as part of our lives as our family, teachers, and friends. You don’t need to grow up if you don’t want to. All you have to do is remember your favorite heroes going on adventures across the galaxy. There will be more adventures. There will always be more. Just keep watching more. If you grew up with this stuff you don't have a choice. Just go see the new one, what's the big deal? If people like this stuff who are you to tell them they're wrong? It makes us happy because there’s always more fun to be had in these universes! Keep it coming! This is the year when things are gonna get really good. So much good content. Just trying to keep up with all the new media is a full time job haha. There’s no end in sight and that’s amazing. Pop culture makes people happy.

