Drove around today, didn't feel good

COOL OK THEN | Drove around today, didn't feel good
The Democratization of Art
June 4 2024

1303 words


Well everyone, we're finally here. We have arrived. The golden age of art is here. Let's break down what art is and why it is for everyone.

I want art. That's it. I just want it. I don't care how I get it. I just want it and that means I deserve it. Let's say I'm a writer trying to break into writing. It's well-known that art inspires writers. I can now generate a thousand incredible pictures that will inspire me to write better. I don't have the money to pay an artist and my stick figures certainly won't inspire me lol. So are you saying I don't deserve to be inspired? Are you gatekeeping art? It's not fair that I can't afford to pay an artist. Art is inherently elitist because not everyone can do it. I'M SORRY I WASN'T BORN AN ARTIST. I shouldn't be punished for something outside my control.

AI WILL CHANGE HUMANITY FOR THE BETTER because now I can make the art I want. Fuck artists for gatekeeping their skills. AI removes this barrier and brings art to the people where it belongs. I love this. Let me give you an example. This example is good. It's an example I thought of when I had to come up with an example to prove that I'm right. It was easy because I am right. And now for the example. Here it is. The example I list below is the example I'm referring to when I talk about the example I have.

Ok so yesterday I wanted to see Marvel Man fighting the Spider Brain villain. Before, if I wanted to see this goofy little frivolous idea come to life I would have to commission some fucking arrogant artist who would charge me a thousand dollars. Ain't nobody got no time for the time to do what that is if they got no time to do that for it. So I just typed it into the prompt window and got a bunch of hilarious results. I'm not making money from this. It's just a fun little thing. It's harmless actually. Who cares? Nobody's job was stolen from this. It was just a funny thing I wanted. I wanted it and I got it. I've already forgotten about it.

Are you still reading this? What is your impression of the content so far? Does this reflect your perspective on the matter or are you just skimming and glazing over it, assuming nothing of importance is being communicated? Are you taking this in or subconsciously rejecting it? It's okay. There's no need for self-reflection. Your beliefs are your own. You aren't influenced by anything you read in an ecosystem that is tailor-made to elicit immediate reactions. You're above it. You're immune. Good.

I like art. That's what art is. Art has to be liked. If I don't like it then it isn't art. If I see some hack idiot on the internet pouring colors on a piece of wood then he's clearly not an artist. He should stop doing that because he's bad. I actually think he shouldn't be allowed to waste paint. It's not art. It's modern trash. Sadly most of the art these days is trash. That's what AI is going to fix. It's going to make actual art valuable again. Like the cool shot of the Starship Entere=rrrrrprprrrrrrrrrrrerrr going at warp max speed through an asteroid field. I made about 50 different versions until I selected the one I liked. This took time and effort to get the AI to produce exactly what was in my head.

I think people don't understand how hard it is to get a prompt just right. Thanks for reading that sentence. How about you have a little empathy for those of us who can't draw as well as you? Did you ever think about how fucking elitist you are you fuck? Do you realize that you are a bad person?

The democratization of art is something that's long overdue. I want it. Give me it. Just give it to me. Me. It's for me. The value of art comes from how much I want it.

Me. Art is for me. If I want art I'm just going to take it because I want it. This attitude is in no way reflected in human psychology throughout the centuries. Hey look at this cool continent I just discovered after sailing across the ocean. I claim this for me. It's mine. The flag I brought is proof this is mine now. I don't care who was already living here hahaha just kidding what does that have to do with anything? That's not related at all.

The power I have at my disposal is beyond what any artist can do. Fuck their feelings. An artist has no right to speak to gods.

Me. It's for me.

Me. If I wants, I gets.

Did you read the terms of use? It says right there they can do whatever they want. If you don't like it, don't use it. Easy. I think in black and white.


Study the pattern below. What do you notice? Submit proof of your answer:


In the coming years we are going to see a massive shift to an even playing field where art is available, accessible, and appreciated by everyone. Minderrrjnounery and Dallery and all these platforms are leading the charge in the visual category. They're cheap too so people can afford it.

But what about music? Don't worry. Sono AI and Sorara AI and Salout AI and Sorna AI and Salmo AI and Saarsa AI and AI and AI-Assisted-Songwriter and ComposerAI and SolmarerAI and AIforMusicians and SongmakerAI

and Sonari AI and Saonar AI

and SongAI and Songwriter AI and SSSSSSSONGGGSSSS_AI and JornAI and SongmanAI and SomarAI - Your Personal Songwriter Assistant and FilmscoringAI and MusicAI and SongMusicWriter and also

Songggger AI and Songmachine AI and CreativeSongwriter AI all let you make music with a prompt. You have to pay a monthly subscription. You just type a prompt in and then you get a song that perfectly expresses your emotions. It's like having a personal songwriting team just for you. It's insanely easy. This definitely won't impact working musicians in any way because clients want to work with humans. It's obvious that network executives and ad agencies care about humans. This is just a tool. It's good. Why would you deny this to the people? It's just a tool. People said the same thing about the hammer and the pranting prass and the hammer and the hammer and the ballpoint hammer and the flexjack hammer and the stainless steel industrial size hammer tool as well as the barn hammer and rockchopper hammer and the hammer and the big joint hammer and the multi-stock hammer device. They're just tools. Don't blame the tool. Does the tool do the job or does the job do the job that the tool does when it does the job?

AI isn't stealing. It's being inspired the same way humans are inspired. Do you have to obtain an artist's consent when you study their work? Oh, you don't? How curious. So how come you're bitching about AI doing the exact same thing? AI is just studying art when models are being trained. Yeah that point is rock solid. It's fucking bullet proof you god damn idiot fuck. I'm right.

In conclusion, I rest my case. Art is mine. I want it.

