Can you Share Yours With me?

COOL OK THEN | Can you Share Yours With me?
Terms and Conditions
April 16 2018

1082 words


We at coolokthen have updated our Terms and Conditions. You must agree to this Agreement to continue accessing and using coolokthen services.


By agreeing to these terms and conditions you enter into a contract between coolokthen and yourself (the "Agreement"). When you have fully read and understood the Agreement, click "Agree" to confirm your understanding of the Agreement and enter into the Agreement permantly and forever including tomorrow.


Coolokthen provides a wide arrangement of services. By using these services you use them. Without these services, who are you? Good question. It's an answer you can't answer without using our services.


By signing this agreement you enter into our privacy policy. Our privacy policy can be found on the internet by those over there. But if you don't see that then you don't. It's ok. Cool ok then.


Data collection is a must for any business to thrive which is why we do it. Be assured that the data we collect is for collection purposes only and will not be sold to any corporations or third parties. We value you your privacy. Additionaly we make money selling your data to as many corporations and third parties as we possibly can including:

  • Corporation Corp
  • Corporation Corp Limited LLC Corp
  • All Corporations Corp
  • Government Corporation Corp
  • Corporations and Friends Corp
  • Corporations and Corporations Corp
  • Ccccooooooooooooorporatiiiiions Corp
  • Coporation We Don't Sell Data or Collect It Corp LOL Yeah Right The Mic In Your Phone Is Always On Why Were You At Hanner's Bar Last Night Without Your Wife And Getting Drunk With Sheila
  • Corporation Uhhhh We Saw You Took A Different Route To Work Yesterday Based On Our Map App Which You Deleted Several Months Ago. Why?
  • Corporation

The data we collect from you may also include:

  • Everything. Yep. Everything. You took exacly 8.2222 seconds to decide to click on that Grannn's Fashion ad. Why? Our team is hard at work figuring that out so we can get that click down to 1.24 seconds, the optimal number for ad clicking time. But why do you care? It's an ad tailored to you and YOU alone. What do you have to lose? NOTHING except the possibilty of losing out on great deals! NOT WORTH IT! This is just your dumb fucking info. Nobody cares about it really. It's not like we're using it to build an entire profile on your life and potentially sell that profile down the road to other nefarious entities for things beyond creating custom ads. And hypothetically let's say we did (we're not but we could based on our Terms and Conditions but nope not gonna do it but that's subject to change? Iunno.) it wouldn't matter because you're not doing anything wrong so why does it even matter why we have your data? It doesn't matter! Nope doesn't matter. Matter? NOPE we fucking went over this!!!!
  • Nothing. Hahaha nope just joking there. We collect everything FOR YOUR BENEFIT! (Data Collection: It's For Your Benefit, Jason Wrangmor, p.222-299)


We own all of this. End of story there. The coolokthen name, coolokthen logo, coolokthen store, coolokthen content, coolokthen blogs, and other coolokthen trademarks, service marks, graphics, pictures, non-pictures, black and white pictures, pictures with pictures on it by them, other pictures, that picture, no the other picture on the wall in the living room, yeah that picture, load that picture onto the van and put it by the lamp, and pictures used in connection with services are registered trademarks of coolokthen. You are granted no right or license to use them in any capacity forever and herewithstanding forever. We still have your data lol. It's ours. This doesn't change anything about that.


By clicking the "Agree" button below you accept these Terms and Conditions. If you don't click "Agree" you forfeit your rights as a citizen of the State and will be escorted off the premises immediately. Where's your ID? GET ON THE GROUND! Nope he doesn't have a weapon. What do we know about him? Oh wait everything lol. WE HAVE EVERYTHING. Let's see, his ID number is 829828998892982. Update the System. Corporate is not gonna like this little snafu, number 829828998892982. You should have bought that scarf! Did you not see the ads? There were being streamed to your micro insert brain analyzer all day. The ads were telling you what to do! It's easy. Look at the ad, buy what the ad says, keep the State running. The State is strong, number 829828998892982. We gotta keep the State strong for all of us. Jerlmor, did you run the update on number 829828998892982 in the System? Gotta keep that System updated!

Jerlmor's eyes narrowed. He never liked Qiiiiilen's brash, militant tone. He knew the importance of updating the System. He'd read the Codebook countless times in training and he didn't need the Codebook's rules barked at him to remind him of this importance. The System ran on the rules in Codebook and the State ran on the System which had been put in place by Corporation Corp ever since year 828.2 after the Vannntre Wars. Had to keep a tight ship after a near foreign invasion brought the entire State to a crumbling halt. Everyone agreed this was for the best. Everyone. Not one single dissenter. Not one. The State saw to that before it was the State. Everyone in Corporation Corp lived and died by the State which was kept humming along through the rules in the Codebook. Had to keep the State strong and you couldn't have a strong State without the Codebook. And you couldn't have a strong Codebook without Corporation Corp enforcing that Codebook through the State which was strong like Corporation Corp and the State and the Codebook which was enforced through Corporation Corp and held up by law by the State which everyone agreed was for the best. The System, the State, the Codebook, Corporation Corp. It had been this way since the year 828.2 after the Vannntre Wars but we covered that already. Yep mentioned that right up there a few sentences ago. Anyway, just sign this fucking agreement. FUCK. It has nothing to do with anything. It's just standard practice and once you agree you'll be right back to where you were enjoying the coolokthen content that we have all come to know and love including but not limited to: content.


