Does god exist? For the last time I don't fucking know. Why do you keep bringing this shit up at these parties? Can't you just enjoy a simple conversation like everyone else? FUCK!

COOL OK THEN | Does god exist? For the last time I don't fucking know. Why do you keep bringing this shit up at these parties? Can't you just enjoy a simple conversation like everyone else? FUCK!
New faqs just released
February 13 2023

1210 words


Hey everyone. We're excited to announce that our new FAQs have dropped. We've been getting a ton of questions and it just makes sense to put the most frequently-asked ones in an official document that has been signed and dated. If you have a question that hasn't been answered here, check out our FAQ page.

Q: What is this site?
A: This site is a site where we write about things that

Q: This site needs a visual overhaul. Will you be changing its layout anytime soon?
A: Great question!

Q: I have an idea for an article. I'd love to send it to you. What is your email address?
A: Great question! You can contact us at our email.

Q: I noticed the site was down last month for a couple of weeks. What happened?
A: That was insane. We had a full-blown level 5 emergency during that period. What happened was we don't have the infrastructure in place to manage anything. If it goes down it goes down. What do you think about that? Let's talk about that instead.

Q: Where do you see this site going in the future?
A: Great question! We have a lot of plans in place. Check the FAQ for more information.

Q: Do you have a regular post schedule or do you only post when you feel like it?
A: Thanks for this question.

Q: I'm trying to find an article on this site that I read once but i can't find it anymore. Do I click the All Posts link at the top of the page and navigate through all the posts in reverse chronological order?
A: Check the FAQ.

Q: The humor on this site is really weird. I don't think it's funny and it's just weird. Can you create content that appeals to more people?
A: This site.

Q: What are your thoughts on the political situation currently developing in North Argmor?
A: Great question!

Q: When you click "Not Interested" on a stand-up comedian's post and it says "Thanks. We'll show you fewer posts like this from now on," does this mean you won't see that particular comedian anymore or stand-up comedians' posts in general?
A: Great question!

Q: Is art a continuous process of learning and growth, subject to the changing viewpoints of the artist, his or her life experiences, values, feelings, the development of skills, and taking risks and experimentation with technique?
A: No. Art is an objective view of a man's view of man qua man as he views man. A man is either an artist or he is not. He either makes art or he does not. Artists have a singular, consistent, un-changing point of view and what he creates either reflects that or it does not. A man who does not portray the highest virtues of his potential and glory is not a man but a filthy parasite leeching off those who make his world possible. Approximately 2% of what is considered "art" is actually art.

Q: When is your Zelda album coming out?

A: Look man I don't want to talk about that. My girlfriend has been on me about this Zelda album because she thinks I don't contribute to rent or whatever. I don't think that's true.






A: Great question!


Q: What do you think about the acceleration of data collection practices in most industries? Will the slow erosion of privacy inevitably result in a culture that scoffs at those who want to preserve it? Will we
A: Great question!


Q: I'm working on a new post for the site. Just figured I'd do another one since it's been a little while. It's going ok. It's making me laugh so I think I'll post it when I finish. Sometimes I get in my head with these and start to question if it's any good. I start thinking that I need to include every subject this site revolves around and that gets overwhelming, but I just remind myself to have fun with it because that's the whole point anyway. I'll probably include a predictable left turn into obsessing about movies and games and unironic media consumption as a source of perceived happiness because that's a common topic in these posts and it usually seems to land.
A: Great question!

Q: Where do I find the Ruby Sword in War Mage 4: Rise of the Dark Death?
A: South of Bramor Village. Enter the Maze Village and look for signs that point to Ofalga Village. The mayor is holding Rog in his basement. Free Rog and tell him you're looking for the Ruby Sword. He'll tell you the blacksmith is hiding out in Horpo Village. Talk to the blacksmith. Consider whether your time is best spent doing this. He'll give you a piece of the Ruby Sword. To reforge it, head to Arpraprpar Village. Be it. Do it. Live it. Talk to the second blacksmith in the easternmost Village. This game is great. He'll reforge the Diamond Sword. Break the Diamond Sword in front of him and tell him that's wrong. It's all wrong. Nothing here is working.

Q: LEt's talk ooooubbbbbbbbbbbooooooooouutttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

Q: There needs to be more funding for various industries directed towards the massive rise in recent events. Our politicians are not doing that. What can I do to show my support?
A: You need to support it.





Q: What's ther

Q: If you like good content then you are seriously missing out by not watching the new content that just came out. It's seriously some of the best-made content in a LONG time.
A: Great question!

Q: I seriously love watching this stuff. I can't believe they're rebooting Death Box: Love and Death in the Blood Ring. Seriously can't wait for this. Everyone else: *stressing out about not having a gf on Valentine's Day.* Me: *curled up in my chair watching the reboot.* Does anyone else feel this way?
A: Hahahaha ok man we get it. We get what you're doing here. It's time for a new schtick. This is getting old. It's not funny anymore and you're just ripping on a lifestyle you've grown out of. But have you really grown out of it if you are still making fun of it?

Q: I love watching reruns of old shows because it reminds me of when I watched them. Does anyone else do that?
A: RRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAaajh4e3338eiiiiikkkkkkkk..........,j

Q: Connect the dots. This world is ending. Nobody sees it but me. Truth awareness starts with perceiving the massive psyop that the government is inflicting upon its citizens. Reject all mainstream news and form your own opinions. Only then will you peel back the veil of lies and understand who works in the shadows. The operation is well underway and if you're aware of it then you're protected.
A: Great question! Check the FAQ.


Trembror Feb. 14, 2023, 10:34 a.m.
I liked this article because it's unbiased and tells the REAL news that nobody wants you to hear. I believe this because I haven't read it anywhere else and that makes it true. I don't know the background of these people presenting this information or who they are or if they're reputable but that doesn't matter because it's clearly true. I believe this. Check out my Instrmerengram profile for more. I share amazing posts on stuff like this to expose the TRUTH. What I do is important. Ok
