Can you Share Yours With me?

COOL OK THEN | Can you Share Yours With me?
Movie Script Leaked
February 3 2018

409 words


According to recent reports reported by recent reports, portions of the script for the new blockbuster smash Haeiifnn Man: The Legend Dawns a New Day 3: LOLLOLLLIDGAFFFFF to be released this summer has been leaked ahead of its release this summer according to recent reports reported. Below is a portion of the portion of the transcript of the script.

Haeinf Man: Oh

Girl: Huh.

Haheiin Man: It's approaching!

Girl: Huh?

Hianeinf Man: OVER THERE!

Girl: Why?

Haiwfejej Man: It's that by those.

Girl: Oh.

HHweoiwhofi Man: We have to save it.

Girl: Oh.

Hiwofwjoi Man: I see those. Do you?

Girl: Yes. Who?

Hiwohifhoewih Man: By the fridge.

Girl: It's the one.

Hiwofhweo Man: In the side.

Girl: Who?

Hwioehfiowh Man: The left.

Girl: Who?

Hpwhoifhwioh Man: No.

Girl: No.

HWiowehfoihewoifh Man: It's them!

Girl: No.

Hifowhfoieh Man: Please.

Girl: Them.

HIoifwhieohfo Man: Them.

Girl: Them.

Hiwofhoweh Man: Ok.

Girl: Those.

Hiaowhighwego Man: Ok.

The sudden movement caused alarm as HWIEOHFOIHW MAN didn't. However, upon hearing this GIRL did and with that she did with them otherwise. Continuing on...

Hihowihef Man: Ok


Grammmfmfmf: Oh.

Hiwohoiiwoh Man: Ok.

Graaaaaaammmmmmmmm: Ok.





Grnrnnrrnnrnrr: ffffffffff

Harwoifoijef Man: We took her to the cemetery. There lay her body motionless in the casket as we as looked down thinking thoughts of the afterlife and whether there was one. We each saw in that moment the cycle of a life from beginning to end and contemplated our own certain mortality. The cruel promise of time weighed heavily in our hearts but the thought of wise words floated into my mind as if from some divine being: life is the joyful participation in the sorrows of the world.

Girl: When?

Grammwnnfnwnfnwe: Grannawfoinaweoifiowanfeoinwaf.

Girl: No.


Girl: LLLLllllllllflwijojiaj

Girl: fjoiwejijwfoij

Harowoifw Man: What is my purpose other than whatever my mind conjures based upon the childhood programming that was thrust upon me through chance?

Girl: IIOWjofjoweijfoijewf

Grewaramwrmamwweraw: No.

Girl: No.

Greamkweflaefklwle: No.

Girl: Wowfjiewfiwejfowfj

Girl: No.

Hawoifiowifj Man: The complete picture of a life lived doesn't shy away from certain ache but rather embraces it with the awareness of its necessity. I miss her.

Girl: Those?




Grjwaklfjklawkefklawjkfl: Girl: Ok.






We cut to a scene when it's that. The others aren't.

Gowifoweijf Studios has yet to comment on the leak but according to sources close with the company, they say it.

