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Famous Movie Quotes
January 10 2023

741 words


Here's a list of famous movie quotes that we've compiled from various movies that are considered to be famous movies and also contain the quotes that are famous so just read them here if you don't want to watch the movies that have the quotes inside them but if you want to stream them they are all available on the streaming platforms that you pay for. Just watch more content. The studios are exploiting film crews to the max and there's going to be a strike soon but they don't care because their bottom line wisely does not depend on revenue from their shows. They make money from e-commerce. Imagine that. Anyway just watch everything. We're pretty stoked for Season 3.

"You call me a terrible person? Is that what you think I am? Baby, you don't know the things I've done for love. The things I've done for you!!"

- Ivan Holloway, The Fast Bridge to Nowhere, 1973

"She got all up in my face, right? She's all up in my face accusing me of whatever the fuck. I don't know. I can't handle this anymore, man. She got back from the drive-thru and I couldn't make any sense of it. Let's take it up a notch. You and me. Like the old days. Let's head on out there for a day."

- Brack Hamlin, All a Day in A Day's Drive, 1955

"Never before have we faced such oppression! Freedom is granted by those in power to those who need it! Rise up my brothers! Rise up my sisters! Rise up my brethren! Rise up my hemegeerrs! Rise up my followers, my lovers, my countrymen! Take back what we own! Take back... our freedom!!"

- MIchaer Socrt, The Office Spot, 2009

"She brings a certain fire to the situation. I can't figure it out. I've been up all night and I didn't even bring three of them."

- Unknown, Unknown, Unknown

"It's a long walk walking out your door, my dear lad. If you don't pick up your feet, there's no telling just quite how to know where your feet might be swept on off to where the road takes you to it."

- Barbor Barbin, The Rise of the Fellows, 2001

"Just don't pay them. What are they gonna do? Strike? Who cares? Doesn't affect our bottom line. We make our money serving internet infrastructure to corporate customers. We own 73% of the internet. Nobody realizes this. They think our e-commerce store is the money maker. It isn't."

- Starf Gragnosson, Invisible Empire (documentary), 2020

"I can't feel my legs."
"Why's that?"
"I think they've been blown off in that epic explosion."
"Just hold on a little longer. We're almost to Havenstream."
"I'll try."
"You'll do more than try."
"But... how?"
"By trying."
"Ok... I'll try."
"That's the spirit. You can do this. Just try. Try for it. Try it now. All that needs doing is the trying. Try like you've never tried so that you try for it. Try this. I ask you one simple thing, Dermergot, and that's that you try for that. I didn't come all the way from Ravenshock to haul a dead coropopse back to Ravenshock like some frar."
"Thanks, Bickten, that means a lot to someone like me."
"What's that mean?"
"It means......"
"...Dermergot? ... Dermergotrt!!! ... Wake up!!"

- Bickten Guberkork, Tragedy on the MOe3gburtht3x¨∆∆∆∆

"Hand me that torch there young lad. Thanks."

- Screem Falpet, Stars of the Destination, 1333

"Practicing your craft is a tireless discipline that doesn't matter. Your work is nothing. You're nothing. Look how many mistakes you made. Stop doing this."

- Professor Gat Hormentat, Introductory Course, 200233

"Give all or give nothing at all. Have an extra pint for theh3h e 8 m

"He does a good job with the strings. How did he do that? What patches did he load into the patch sampler? Is there CC7 data available for this? I've got an old CoreAudio Synth Wave arrpgpepatatior. Will that work? What's the easiest way to get good as fast as possible?"

- Fee  gthteeeee, Fe35ttttttttt,t 2666600000


- Lord Brugmen, Fight on the Plataueueua, 2009

"No can do."

- Harf Margdo, Plateau Fight, 2010

"Not this."

- Forv Markoseni, Battle on Plateaeueaus, 2011

"It isn't it but it's that."

- Bubay A'kTl'alha, Plateau Battle, 2012

