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COOL OK THEN | A Blog that features blog entries
Early Warning Signs
April 5 2019

1089 words


We'd like to list a few early warning signs of it. Many people ignore the subtle indicators early on and this can lead to complications down the road. While this is understandable, it's also not. In today's post, we'll be dispelling myths, answering frequently answered answers, and listing a few tips and tricks to help detect it early.


1. Look for it.
This is the most obvious one, but nobody does it. In order to find it, you'll need to look for it. If you don't want to find it, don't look for it! How much easier could it get? Keep reading you fucking fuck.

2. Check behind there for signs of them.
In simpler times, you woke up, had a glass of orange juice, got out the bacon, cooked the bacon, ate the bacon, crunched down upon the bacon, savored the bacon as it sizzled like a snake in your mouth, cleaned your plate of the crumbs of the bacon, washed the dish, put on your tie, looked in the mirror for a final check of your person, and then walked out the door, whistling loudly, whistling REALLY LOUDLY so that it disturbed the bushes down the path, WHISTLING like a bird in spring time, spring in your step, springing forth with a loud whistle. It was easy. Nobody had much else to worry about. Nowadays, with it, you need to change your whole routine. If you check behind there, you'll find signs of them.

3. Don't forget to have those.
We understand what it's like not to do these. After all, we've got it too! Maybe not so bad as Jorberery down on Happerblap Lane. Holy shit, during the last one it was all over the other one! Still, we can sympathize. In our experience, we've picked up a few tips and tricks, so in today's post we'll be dispelling myths, answering frequently answered answers, and listing a few tips and tricks to help detect it early.


If you have them, they'll be them.

FALSE. You need to gather all 388 Breelock Stones to unlock the Sacred Garmblat. If you head east in the direction of east, you'll find a lone Plobbler talking to himself. Listen to his tale of woe and become woeful yourself. This is how to find out that you have it. If you don't do this, you'll be fine. Just don't get it.

Not everyone wants there to be a real one, you just need to be real if it's one.

FALSE. Just go out there and be that! So many people today aren't it and grab seven of them. You need to be empowered to power yourself up! Collect the three energy amulets and you'll be able to upgrade your power-ups. This is not optional. Well, okay, it is, but why would you not do this? If you don't, you're ignoring the early warning signs which is what this post is all about you piece of FUCK. Just read this post. It dispels myths, answers frequently answered answers, and lists a few tips and tricks to help detect it early.

The Grand Directive indicated it's not it, so why should I be concerned?

FALSE. The Grand Directive is NOT an excuse to not have it when you don't already have it. This is a common misinterpretation of the Grand Directive and we think it's almost willfully done that way so as to expose common loopholes in the common pattern. If you peel back the curtain into the depths of truth, young seeker, you will find more there to satisfy your curiosities. Consider for example the Great Happenings which happened in 253 BR. Does that answer your question?

I can't get it if I don't have it.

Where did you get that idea from? That one is FALSE, my young lad of the desert! Ye who comes wandering forth from the wasteland as your cup overfloweth with divine queries must find it ultimately EMPTY of the truth you so desperately seek!! Hunker down within yourself and examine the true nature of it and you will find what all great seekers eventually find as they seek to find what they are seeking in the ever unfolding wilderness of the most ancient corners of their mind. Cobwebs cobwebs COBWEBS obscure the openings that allow one to proceed. You don't have it.


Q. I noticed a large spike protruding from the eventual paranominal. Why is this?

A. We can't guarantee that however we do concede that it's it.

Q. Exalma the First has opinions, but where did those opinions come from? Who has these?

A. We can't guarantee that however we do concede that it's it.

Q. Did you ever overcome the LATEST ONE???????

A. We can't guarantee that however we do concede that it's it.

Q. I can't figure out how to activate the last Splash Window. The guide says you need to climb the ladder to the second floor but I'm already on the second floor and there was no ladder to climb in order to get there so I'm curious if this is a glitch and if so I really think the developers should be fired. Can you fire them? Can you? Can you do the firing? Fire them? Fire? Firings will be happening when? Exactly when? When will this be occurring so that I can be a part of the firings? Can it happen now or perhaps can I decide when? And if so, can it happen now? I would like to be one of the deciders, the decision-makers, the one who decides, he who has the power to effect change in a change-based society where change is slow but inevitable, moving like a tank over the plowed earth of progress as we shuffle forth into a new era, one where firings happen regularly. Can I be part of that?

A. We can't guarantee that however we do concede that it's it.

Q. I'm curious if you dispelled myths, answered frequently answered answers, and listed a few tricks to help detect it early.

A. We can't guarantee that however we do concede that it's it.

