This website has it but doesn't have that with it

COOL OK THEN | This website has it but doesn't have that with it
Discover new music with our Weekly Discover song plyalist
July 26 2022

560 words


Hey are you interested in discovering anything new? If you have an open mind and consider yourself open-minded and a good person who's open-minded with an open mind then check out the Discover New Weekly New Music playlist that's curated just for you. It takes music you've listened to a lot and finds more music that sounds just like it. This is how you discover new things. You just listen to more of the stuff that you like.

For just $4593 per year you can subscribe to the Music Unlimited plan that lets you listen to music for free. We've chosen tracks we think you'll like based on your listening history. You still retain complete control over your recommendations. If you don't like anything we've suggested, hover over the song, click the "..." icon, click "options" then click "more options" then click "options that are here" and then click ">" and then the button that looks like an icon,  then click it again. Click the “…” icon again and start over to make sure. Click that. Just click it. It won't give you any feedback but it works. Trust us. You have control. This is good. We won’t play any more songs like this again.

What does that mean? What do you mean by “songs like this?” How do you know why I don’t like it? Maybe I do like it and I’ve just heard it too much? Maybe I like the artist but just don’t like the song? Maybe I like the song but I don’t like what I associate it with? What do you mean “songs like this?” Haha ok thanks we won’t play songs like this. Ok that’s how it works.

Let's talk a bit more about how our curated playlist works. It works by working.

If you like Norberth Hamberton, we'll recommend music that sounds like Norberth Hamgerton, but is totally different. He usually writes big bombastic orchestral scores for movies. We think you might like something a little different! So try Nombear Grath, who writes big bombastic orchestral scores for other movies. Don't think about it too hard. Just listen to the fucking music you fuck. You like this. Stop thinking about this. Just buy the service and like the music. Don't think any deeper. This is only entertainment after all. Just like it.

Over time you will find that your tastes haven't broadened. You haven't actually discovered anything haha nothing matters. You're still listening to the same stuff you always were.

Hey man you can't say that. Can you prove it? That goes against what the playlist says it does. Speak for yourself I actually discover a lot of great new music with this playlist. I know you like to shit on tech every chance you get but tech is just a tool. It’s up to you to use it well. So maybe don’t blame tech. Maybe you’re the problem. Tech is cool and I discover a lot of new things and learn about all kinds of stuff I didn't before. I actually love discovering new music because I discovered new music by doing so. I found a bunch of new artists and I save their albums. I keep paying the monthly fee to listen to them when I want to. I appreciate the arts.

