It's Blog Time

COOL OK THEN | It's Blog Time
November 27 2017

694 words


We had a BLAST last Saturday! It was A BLAST!! Let me take you through it.

First, Danny. I mean what can I say? He was there.

Second, Danny again. WOW. He did it all. One minute he wasn’t there and the next minute there he was. We loved it. All of us did except for Karemin and Michsele who hated him. For good reason, though. Nobody would talk about it. It all went back to the incident that had happened. 

Third, DANNY. Jesus. Who is this guy? He just comes on in and doesn’t even care? Let’s talk about it. Danny’s got it. In every sense, the guy just has a rock solid grasp on the situation. That’s what we like about him (except for Karemein and Mishcile for understandable reasons).

FOURTH: is there any question?

FIFTH: Danny. It’s just Danny all over the place. What did he do? Well, in order to answer that question we need to go back to the beginning of the day.

At the beginning of the day nobody was there. Then, later, Danny was. In every sense. He was here, he was there. He was on top of it all. Let’s talk about this. 

Karemin didn’t appreciate when Danny came. It was one of those things you just can’t avoid when you invite a large number of people, but because we only invited Danny it was something that should have been avoided, according to Kariemen. I didn’t see it that way, and neither did Danny, which is why he was there. He needed to be there. Here’s why: 

MISHELE. She was the other person who didn’t appreciate Danny being there. But sometimes you just have to go with your gut and ignore what’s really going down. That’s what Danny did and as a result, he was there. Mishele was also there which I think is the reason she didn’t want Danny there. Sometimes you have to do what you don’t want to do though.

SIXTH: Danny was a lot of things, but more than anything what he was was there. It’s where he was. I appreciated it which reminded me to tell Danny that. And that’s what I did. Next time, I thought, Danny should also be there. I ran this idea past Karemin and Mischile, just to take their temperature quick, get their input on the whole thing. They didn’t want him there. They didn’t want him there then and then they didn’t want him there next time there was then to refer back to. I didn’t understand that. It’s not like Danny wasn’t there so why were they acting like he shouldn’t be there? You can’t do anything about it. Quick test to determine if Danny was there: Was he there? If yes, he was there. If no, then he should be there because he was there. They needed to work this out with Danny and I didn’t like getting involved.

SEVENTH: DANNY AGAIN. Lots of things about Saturday being the blast that I talk about, most of things are about Danny being there. I like that he was there. I’ll admit that. I don’t mind admitting that at all. We can take it up with Karemein and MIshaehil at a later date but for now, let’s talk to Danny.

“DANNY, WERE YOU THERE OR WHAT?” I asked him once, just now, a few minutes ago when he was there. He’s still there of course. That’s Danny for you.

Danny didn’t reply. I’m not sure why. I’ll have to ask Karemine about this. It’s possible she said something. I was getting nervous. Wait a minute. Where’s Mishchile? Where is she? Where did she go? Why is she not here where she was a few moments ago? She was there. Everyone was there. Danny, Karmeine, Mishiel, me. It’s all there. All there right there. What’s this about? I never got to the bottom of it. I didn’t know. Nobody knew. They all talked like they knew but when you get down to it, who was there? Danny was. So what’s the problem? What was the problem here? Nobody meneniotned nt j lka jk # D

