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COOL OK THEN | Read these articles now. It's that.

Message from the Great Leader

April 19 2018

800 words

Greetings followers! I come bearing great news. Great news indeed! We have secured a new location for our activities pertaining to our activities. Do not be alarmed. The old Hall Hall Activities Hall will remain intact until demolished tomorrow. Being...

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The Clutchers take it home again

April 17 2018

727 words

The Clutchers snatched victory from the jaws of the enemy last night and it was awesome! The night started like this: 0-0. That was the score. You don't start out with a score, you start out with no score. That's...

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Terms and Conditions

April 16 2018

1082 words

We at coolokthen have updated our Terms and Conditions. You must agree to this Agreement to continue accessing and using coolokthen services.


By agreeing to these terms and conditions you enter into a contract between coolokthen...

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Dramatis Personae

April 14 2018

1002 words



Lexker: son of Keker and heir to the throne. A young man in his early 31s, he disregards his parents’ wishes for him to become heir to the throne even though...

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8" glass partitions installed tomorrow

April 11 2018

571 words

Hi everyone! Me here with an update on the glass dividers. They're coming tomorrow! Haha I know you've all been waiting a long time for these and we (me) are happy to update you on them: tomorrow! They're coming! Okay...

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Knocking on the Deadwood Door

April 6 2018

572 words

“Papa?” I asked tentatively, peering down the darkened hallway and into a scene from one of my nightmares. I clung behind the corner, holding onto it as if it could save me. It couldn’t. I knew this. I had been...

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Easy Programming Tutorial

April 2 2018

1219 words

One of the most useful tools in the programmer's toolkit lol is knowing how to upload an image to a remote server. Images are everywhere online these days and you may be wondering "how do I get over this creeping...

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Tips for Online Dating

April 1 2018

1445 words

Dating has moved primarily online with the recent onslaught of the digital era. About 888922389% of people use dating apps to meet people and form relationships. We here at coolokthen have come up with a foolproof way to up your...

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Rails 2: Lines

April 1 2018

1254 words

Now that we've covered rails, we need to cover reading between lines. If you haven't familiarized yourself with rails it's very important that you do so: RAILS. This series builds off of previous material and if you skip that...

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What is art?

March 31 2018

863 words

Art is important. It serves a function in society that expresses the best and worst. That's what it does. Artists provide meaning and value in a world that seems increasingly senseless and chaotic. However, sometimes art isn't that and it...

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